Education & Development Resources

Resource information for professional development opportunities and degree attainment, supporting employee learning throughout their career.

  • MyUA Learning Library

    Training resources are continuously offered as advertised on the UA HR Training Calendar. If you miss the live training, check out the learning library for the recording for a self-paced learning option. Within the MyUA learning library, under the “Type” drop down,  click on “Tier 3” for these options. 

  • UA Tuition Resources
    Benefit-eligible part-time and full-time employees and their families may take advantage of the university's tuition waiver program to work toward a degree or improve their job skills. For more detail on the program and eligibility, go to the tuition waiver website.
  • Sabbatical Leave
    University of Alaska provides faculty opportunities to gain professional renewal through planned travel, study, research or other experiences of professional value.
  • UA Educational Attainment Incentive Program
    The Educational Attainment Incentive Program (EAIP) rewards employees who take the initiative to advance their knowledge and professional skills by completing an advanced degree or certificate program.
  • Career Coach
    Inventory your interests, build resumes and explore career options.
  • UA Degrees and Certifications 
    Explore the possibilities of your future degree or certification by utilizing this UA- wide search feature for degrees and occupational certification endorsements. 
  • Technical Training

    Code Academy
    Codecademy is an online interactive platform that offers free coding classes in 12 different programming languages including Python, Java, Go, JavaScript, Ruby, SQL, C++, C#, and Swift, as well as markup languages HTML and CSS.

    GCF Global Professional Learning Opportunities
    Offers free self-paced tutorials in technology, office applications, graphics, communication, grammar, reading, math, and much more.

    Khan Academy
    Are you thinking about taking classes? Khan Academy can assist you with figuring out what level of expertise you are at, and reorient you to concepts. Khan Academy also offers life skills resources such as courses on financial literacy and personal finance. 
    Khan Academy offers free practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard empowering learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. 

UA Employee LinkedIn Learning

The University of Alaska Human Resources is pleased to announce the launch of the UA Employee LinkedIn Learning platform as a strong commitment to providing multiple learning opportunities to employees as part of our expanding UA Employee Engagement and Development Program. 

Take control of your career and development through continued education today by accessing thousands of high quality professional development courses and videos. Activate your LinkedIn Learning Account and start exploring now.

Who is eligible to use this resource?

All UA employees (executives, faculty, staff, student employees) are eligible to use this resource. There is relevant content regardless of what stage  you are at in your career. 

Activate your UA LinkedIn Learning Account and start exploring now.

Pathways - Coming Soon!

Career Development Pathways encourage, guide, and recognize development of skills that are important to employees in a wide variety of positions across UA. Completion of assigned learning experiences is rewarded with badges; specified collections of badges lead to Pathway Completions. This resource is available to UA employees only. 

UA HR will be working with the universities, governance groups and LinkedIn Learning to identify and develop these pathways. Stay tuned as this program evolves. 

group of people around the table

General Information

This connects employees to self-service HR resources, UA Alert resources, the UA Mission, the UA President’s communications and other general items that are useful to our employees.

  • UA Emergency Alerts
    University of Alaska, UA Alert, Notification System makes every effort to release information about emergencies (incidents) that may disrupt university operations through multi-modal alerts and apps.
  • UA Leadership Mantra
    The UA Leadership Manta is a guiding principle in how we expect individuals to lead at UA. 
  • HR Self-Service Knowledge Base
    This resource provides self service support to employees wanting to find procedures, forms and information regarding employment benefits, accessibility, leave, accommodations, labor and employee relations, payroll, compensation, and much more.
  • UA Policy & University Regulations
    UA Policy & Regulation provides information on missions for UA, UAF, UAA, and UAS, as well as the expectations set forth by the Board of Regents and UA President in which UA operates, to include areas of administration, governance, human resources, finance and business operations, student affairs and academics.
  • UA President Media & Communications
    You will find everything from UA President outreach messages, to UA Goals & Measures, and State of the University information and their archives on this page.