Stuart Hall (UAF)

Stuart Hall

Stuart Hall
Stuart Hall

Fairbanks Campus

Description: 1806 Colville Street

The Walter T. Stuart Hall opened in 1955 to accommodate the growing number of married students and faculty at the university. Stuart Hall contains 12 furnished apartments on Chandalar, across from the fire department. Today, Stuart Hall is restricted for use by students without children.

President Patty was instrumental in raising necessary funds and redesigning the university's campus in the 1950s. The growing numbers of students and faculty created a drive to provide apartment-style housing for faculty and graduate students close to the academic buildings on campus.


“University of Alaska Fairbanks 1987-88 Catalog;” Eric Jozwiak, Assoc. Director for Residence Life, UAF; Nathan Platt, Residence Life, UAF, 2002; UAF Web site, Campus Masterplan 1991; Facilities Services Division of Design and Construction 2006 Construction Overview, Residence Life website

UA Regent: Walter T. Stuart