Harper Building (UAF)

Harper Building

Harper Building
Harper Building

Interior-Aleutians Campus (Fairbanks)

Description: 4280 Geist Road

The Harper Building is located on the north side of Geist Road, just west of Fairbanks Street and south of the main campus. Construction began in 1982; the building was finished in 1985. Original plans called for the Tanana Valley Community College to move into the building. However, as a result of the statewide restructuring in the 1980s, TVCC moved into the Chena Building downtown and the building became home to the Interior-Aleutians Campus.

From the Harper Building, the university oversees education delivery to the Interior-Aleutians Campus centers in an area that includes the Aleutian and Pribilof Islands and 54 towns and villages within the Doyon region. Courses offered through the Interior-Aleutians Campus by audio conferencing, Internet and local on-site classes are administered through the educational centers in Fort Yukon, McGrath, Tok and Unalaska.

In November 2010, the original building was expanded by nearly 2,400 square feet addition. The original building space was renovated as well.


University Relations files; “The Cornerstone on College Hill,” by Terrence Cole; “Cold River Spirits,” by Sarah Jane Harper. Facilities Services Design and Construction Construction Projects 2010. Facilities Services Design and Construction Construction Projects 2011.

Notable People: Flora Jane Harper