November 24, 2010

UA College Savings Plan to Announce Winners of 25K and $2,500 Scholarship Giveaways

Media Advisory
Nov. 24, 2010

The University of Alaska College Savings Plan will announce winners of its $25,000 and $2,500 scholarship account giveaways Thanksgiving evening at Sullivan Arena during halftime of the University of Alaska Anchorage's Great Alaska Shootout game against Weber State. UAA Chancellor Fran Ulmer will make the announcement.

WHAT: 2010 UA College Savings Plan scholarship announcement

WHEN: About 8 p.m. Thursday, Nov. »25, 2010, halftime of UAA vs. Weber State, Great Alaska Shootout

WHO: UAA Chancellor Fran Ulmer on behalf of the UA College Savings Plan

WHERE: Sullivan Arena, Anchorage

For more information contact:
Bonnie Carroll