June 07, 2010

Change of Command at UA; Gamble Takes Helm

For Immediate Release
June 7, 2010

ANCHORAGE--Thursday morning’s discussion highlighted the upcoming 2010 Education General Obligation Bond and UA planned advocacy efforts. The Regents passed a motion stating that the Board of Regents “enthusiastically supports” the bond.  

The Make Students Count Award, established in the spring of 1999, recognizes university staff who have provided outstanding service to students anywhere in the UA system, including rural campuses and extended sites. President Hamilton joyfully presented these last awards of his tenure to three staff. He said, “The recipients of this award are staff that every single day make people proud.” UAA’s Evelyn Davidson is Coordinator of the Department of Developmental Studies and the Learning Center at Kodiak College. UAF’s Kay Thomas is an administrative assistant in the Department of Alaska Native Students and Rural Development in Fairbanks. UAS’s Carrie Enge is a Writing Specialist at the UAS Juneau Campus Learning Center.

Students made good use of Thursday’s public testimony. Three UAA students spoke in support of modifying the nondiscrimination statement to include “sexual orientation” and four voiced opinions against increasing tuition. The Board is scheduled to take action on tuition at their September meeting in Juneau. Regent Compton has been assigned the task of working with student groups to coordinate the testimony.




Friday morning started out with an unusual shift in the seating arrangements. President Pat Gamble, who was seated in the back of the room as an observer on Thursday, transitioned to the president’s seat taking command of the University of Alaska System, on Friday morning.

In other actions the Board also:

  • Accepted - FY11 Operating and Capital Budget Appropriation and Distribution Plans;
  • Approved - FY11 Natural Resources Fund Expenditure Plan;
  • Approved - FY11 Student Government Budgets;
  • Approved - Federal Stimulus Receipt Authority Request;
  • Approved renaming Tanana Valley Campus to UAF Community and Technical College and the TVC Space Revitalization Plan - Phase 4;
  • Approved - Master Plans for UAF, UAA and UAA Community Campuses;
  • Approved both UAA and UAF campus Engineering Project Plans;
  • Approved Schematic Designs for the UAF Critical Electrical Distribution Renewal Phase 1B and the Arctic Health Research Greenhouse which would be contingent on voter approval of the November 2010 General Obligation Bond.




Regents also approved two new academic programs Friday, including an A.A. in Drafting Technology at UAF and a B.S. in Dental Hygiene at UAA.








For more information, call Kate Wattum at 907/450-8104 or 907/699-3259.