March 03, 2009

University of Alaska marketing wins national kudos

Attention Business Editors

For Immediate Release
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The University of Alaska recently won two national awards for its marketing and advertising efforts in 2008, as well as one statewide award.

The national awards, presented by the Admissions Marketing Report, included a second-place silver award for UA’s “Do Something Major” image advertising campaign ( and a third-place bronze award for UA’s bobblehead “career transformers” direct mail effort, aimed at increasing awareness about workforce training programs within the UA system.

Admissions Marketing is the largest and oldest national competition for higher education marketing. Both multi-media campaigns were produced by Nerland Agency of Anchorage and overseen by UA Public Affairs Director Kate Ripley.

The bobblehead campaign--which included five different workforce dolls, direct mail, java jackets, targeted advertising and other strategies--also recently earned a first-place Aurora Award from the Alaska Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America.



For more information, call Kate Ripley at 907/450-8102.