October 28, 2004

Budget Considerations Top Agenda for UA Regents’ Meeting in Anchorage

Regents of the University of Alaska will meet Monday, November 1 in Anchorage to approve the university’s FY06 operating and capital budget requests.

The meeting begins at 8:00 a.m. in room 107 of the University Commons on the Anchorage campus. The meeting will begin with an executive session. Public testimony will be heard starting at approximately 10:00 a.m. Adjournment is scheduled for 4:00 p.m. President Mark Hamilton will lead the discussion on UA’s FY06 operating and capital budget request recommending the board support a budget request to the Governer and Legislature that includes an increase of $11.6 million in
general funds for the FY06 operating budget.

The majority of the increased state revenues, $10.9 million, in the proposed operating request are needed for a portion of the fi xed costs, including negotiated pay raises necessary to continue the existing level of service. The amount requested from the state for fi xed costs represents less than half the actual anticipated expenditures, with the balance paid from non-state revenues.

The balance of the request to the state, $740,000, will be to meet expansion needs in high demand programs in nursing and behaviorial health. This relatively small level of state support is anticipated to leverage over $14 million dollars in additional program receipts from other non-state sources.

Last year the university received $231.1 million in general funds and $434.1 million in receipt authority for a total operating budget of $665.2 million. The proposed operating request for FY06 is $242.7 million in general funds and $462 million in receipt authority for a total budget of $704.7 million. The $11.6 million increase in general funds represents a 5 percent increase over FY05.

The proposed capital budget request for FY06 includes $118.8 million in state funds and $110.4 million in receipt authority. Last year the university received $450,000 in state capital funds and $119.8 million in receipt authority.

The proposed FY06 capital request includes over $40 million in essential code, safety, repair, renewal and renovation projects at campuses throughout the state. The request also includes over $63 million to complete science/classroom facilities in Anchorage, Fairbanks and Juneau that were partially funded in the 2002 statewide GO bond measure.

In other business, the board will consider approval of this year’s (FY05) UA Natural Resources Fund budget.

The budget includes a provision for designation of $1,083,000 to fund land management, $1,697,443 for the UA Scholars Program and $300,000 for the NOAA/UAFacility.

All meetings of the Board of Regents and its committees, except for executive sessions, are open to the public.

On the day of the meeting, messages may be left at 907-751-7200, or fax 907-751-7281, and the messages should indicate that they are for participants in the Board of Regents’ meeting.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Wendy Redman, 907-474-7582 NR 10-04