August 19, 2002
UA Students Can Save Time by Going Online
August 19, 2002 NR 12-02
Financial Aid on the Web is the latest of the University of Alaska online services offered to students, staff and faculty to deliver information on a 24-hour basis.
Students can save time by taking advantage of this self-serve option on the internet to view the current status of their loans, grants, scholarships and tuition waivers. This website also provides information for students to determine if there are any outstanding documents still needed, and the site offers options for emailing the Financial Aid Office. Students can confirm that checks have arrived, as well as view financial aid credits applied to their student account.
University of Alaska student Doris Amigliore calls UAOnline “a great resource because it allows students to take charge of their educational experience. With the click of a mouse I am able to check my grades, financial aid awards, account balances, course schedule, request a transcript and register for classes.”
“UAOnline is a critical component of President Hamilton’s continued commitment to enhance and expand student services throughout the state,” according to Dr. Mike Sfraga, As-sociate Vice President for Student Services and Enrollment Management for the University of Alaska. Sfraga explained that student services and information technology professionals from throughout the university worked together to develop this online service.
To check out these online student services, visit: PERLINK “” and click on Financial Aid Information. The site is secure
and will require the student’s social security and pin number. Students should contact
their campus Financial Aid Office for more information.
Mary Gower
Program Development
UAA Financial Aid Office: 907-786-1586
UAF Financial Aid Office: 907-474-7256
UAS Financial Aid Office: 907-465-6255