March 27, 2002
UA Statewide Employees Honored at Annual Luncheon
March 27, 2002 NR 06-02
Nineteen University of Alaska Statewide employees were honored this week with service award presentations, and three others were named outstanding employees of the year. The ITS Help Desk and Training Department was named the outstanding university department of the year.
The outstanding employees were Cathy Earp, a payroll technician in Human Resources; Susan Freel, accounting manager for UA Foundation Accounting; and Mary Lee, student assistant in ITS Administrative Services.
Two employees were honored for 25 years of service to the university. They are David A.Rohwer, who was first employed in 1976 as a computer operator with UACN and is currently the manager of production services in the Operations Services Department of ITS, and Michelle Wood, also employed first in 1976 as an accounts clerk with Statewide Accounting Services and is currently an accountant with Fund Accounting.
Honored for 20 years of service were:
- Chirk C. Chu, first employed in 1981 as an accounting tech with UAF Grants and Contracts. He is now Security Officer in the System Services Department of ITS.
- Laura L. Letuligasenoa, currently a network communications specialist for the ITS Office of Network Services. She received the outstanding employee award in 1998.
- Jeannie D. Phillips, who began working for the university as a clerk stenographer at KUAC-FM/TV. She has been the Board of Regents’ officer for the past eight years.
- Carla L. Yurkovich, who is now a risk management analyst for Statewide Risk Management. She served on the Statewide Administrative Assembly for four years, and received the outstanding employee award in 1997.
Fifteen-year awards went to Ian Hegdal, manager of network engineering, and to Steve Smith, UA’s chief technology officer.
Honored for ten years of service were Laura Morisky, an administrative assistant with Administrative Services in ITS, and Pat Pitney, who has been director of the combined offices of Budget Development and Institutional Research since 1998.
Nine employees were given their five-year service awards:
- Shawn V. Armstrong, a senior network engineer in ITS.
- Kerry Digou, currently a system programmer with Network Engineering.
- James R. Johnsen, the university’s chief of staff since 1998.
- Laura L. A. Katucki, systems coordinator in the Financial Systems group.
- Ricky King, manager of the MicroLan Support Group.
- Linda J. Milliken, program manager of the College Savings Program and the UA Scholars Program.
- Rhonda J. Ooms, a labor analyst with the Statewide Office of Labor Relations.
- Jamo Parrish, the university’s general counsel since 1996.
- Robin I. Porter, administrative specialist for the Professional Development Career Planning Program in the Office of Human Resources.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Bob Miller 907-474-6311