April 20, 2001

University's Timber Purchaser at Icy Bay Halts Operations

April 21, 2001» NR 08-01

The University of Alaska's timber purchaser in Icy Bay has ordered its operator to cease all logging and hauling activity this week pending cleanup of petroleum and hazardous materials spills at the site.
Mari Montgomery, director of the university's Office of Land Management, said the containment problems were discovered in a field inspection on April 12 by the University of Alaska, the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), the state Department of Fish & Game, and the state Division of Forestry. She said there were areas where petroleum and other hazardous materials, like antifreeze, were not properly contained.

Montgomery said the university has a zero tolerance policy regarding the handling of regulated materials, and that the timber purchaser, Wasser & Winters, has agreed to take all actions necessary to ensure compliance with that policy.

Wasser & Winters told the operator to cease all logging and hauling activity as of the end of the day on Thursday, April 19, and to remain closed down until a cleanup has been completed to the satisfaction of all regulatory agencies, the university and Wasser & Winters.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Mari Montgomery, 907-786-7766