August 16, 2000

Press Conference Set Thursday Afternoon at UA Museum

August 16, 2000» NR 21-2000

University of Alaska President Mark R. Hamilton and UAF Chancellor Marshall Lind will announce on Thursday a major, multi-million dollar contribution from one of Alaska's most prominent business families to support the University of Alaska Museum's Northern Treasures Campaign. The gift will fund a Research Center that is planned as part of the expanded UA Museum.

The announcement will be made at a press conference at 2 p. m. in the UA Museum conference room on the UAF campus.

Museum officials and volunteers from the Northern Treasures Campaign will join Hamilton and Lind for the announcement. In addition to the contribution announcement, other aspects of the proposed $31 million expansion will also be discussed.

Cindy Schumaker, Northern Treasures Campaign Manager, 907-474-6443