August 13, 1998

Regents of the University of Alaska will meet Thursday and Friday, August 20 and 21, 1998, in Bethel at the Yup'ik Museum, Library and Cultural Center.

August 13, 1998» NR 20-1998

The full board meeting will begin at 8 a.m. Thursday morning with a presentation by Kuskokwim faculty and staff on programs and activities on the Bethel campus, followed by public testimony. At noon, the regents are scheduled to go into a two-hour executive session, following which the board will recess until Friday at 8 a.m. so the board's committees can meet Thursday afternoon. From 6 to 7 p.m. on Thursday evening, Blanche Brunk, director of the Kuskokwim Campus of UAF, will host a community reception for the regents at the Cultural Center.

On Friday, the full board will meet from 8 a.m. until approximately 3 p.m. in the main conference room of the Cultural Center. An executive session has been scheduled as the last item of business and is expected to last about two hours.

Agenda items are listed here by committee of origin:

Academic and Student Affairs
Review initial draft of a policy regarding student organizations.

Consider approval of a renewable term appointment for Dr. Norbert Untersteiner to the Sydney Chapman Chair in Physical Sciences as Chapman Professor at UAF. Since 1988, Dr. Untersteiner has been chair of the Department of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Washington in Seattle.

Receive a status report from UAA Provost Dr. Daniel Johnson on the Alaska Wilderness Studies Program at UAA.

Finance, Facilities and Land Management
Consider project approval for a $5.9 million upgrade of the UAF Poker Flat Research Range to include range administration center, lidar research laboratory, upper range road and backup electrical power projects. The upgrade will be funded through a contract between the federal government and the Geophysical Institute.

Consider project approval for the Hutchison Career Center renovation and addition project, authorizing the administration to expend up to $1.6 million for planning and design. Next year's capital budget request will include $5.52 million for the construction of the UAF portion of the facility. The Fairbanks North Star Borough anticipates selling bonds to fund the $10 million construction of its portion of the project.

Consider approval of UAA's FY99 capital improvement projects, which include $4.734 million for deferred maintenance, code compliance and renovation of facilities, as well as $9.53 million for the new UAA Anchorage campus library.

Discuss UAF's proposed coal-water project, and alternatives for financing.

Receive status reports on the proposed UAF School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences Juneau facility, the Brooks Building at UAF and on the university's capital projects.

Human Resources
Consider a recommendation from the administration that a one-time supplemental salary distribution of $300 be made for non-union classified, professional and technical staff effective in January 1999. The distribution would be in addition to the annual step increases which average about 2.5 percent, and would coincide with implementation of a defined contribution benefits plan that will involve increased employee costs for benefits.

Receive a report on the implementation of the university's defined contribution model, capping the university's FY98 contribution for health benefits for all UA employees. All employees who are eligible for benefits will begin paying a charge for health care coverage beginning in January 1999. The charge will be $285 annually for all university employees.

Committee of the Whole
Receive reports on FY2000 operating and capital budget development, an update of university activities in information technology related to its agreement with the Gartner Group, and on the university's public information campaign.

Consider approval of a modification to the endowment spending allowance calculation to provide for determination of the annual spending allowance based on a five-year moving average of the market value of the fund. Purpose of the change is to minimize any adverse fluctuation in distributions from the endowment fund.

All meetings of the Board of Regents and its committees, except for executive sessions, are open to the public.

During the meeting, messages may be left at the Yup'ik Library: 907-543-4516 or fax at 907-543-4503.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Bob Miller, 907-474-7272.