Feb. 23, 2022

Feb. 23, 2022

University of Alaska Board of Regents to adopt strategic goals; consider motion to appoint UA Interim President Pat Pitney as the university’s next president during its meeting Feb. 24-25


The University of Alaska Board of Regents will hold a two-day meeting later this week to discuss the university’s goals and measures and a motion to appoint now-Interim President Pat Pitney as president, removing “interim” from her title. 

Board of Regents Chair Sheri Buretta said the five strategic goals and corresponding measures will provide the university a roadmap for the next five years. “As university president, Pat Pitney would lead the implementation of the goals and measures,” she said.

The goals and measures are important to continue moving the university forward, Buretta said, and the motion to appoint Pitney as university president is part of the board's desire to see the university continue moving in the right direction. "The appointment motion is based not only on Pitney's performance over the past 18 months, but also her vision for the university’s future," Buretta said.

The five strategic goals, developed in concert with chancellors and leadership teams at each university, include: contributing to Alaska's economic development, skilled workforce and engaged citizenship; fostering academic excellence for student success; promoting diversity, equity and inclusion for students, faculty and staff; growing world-class research; and, operating cost effectively. 

On Friday, regents will take an in-depth look into the groundbreaking research and economic development potential of drones for Alaska in a “Did You Know” presentation. The video and panel discussion will detail drone research programs and outline the many ways in which unmanned aircraft systems –– or drones –– can support Alaska’s economy, including retail, commercial, medical and scientific across the state. 

Throughout the two-day meeting, the board will hear an update on the Alaska Native Success Initiative and reports from chancellors, government relations team, and governance leaders. 

Thursday’s meeting will begin at 9 a.m. and end at 2 p.m. Friday’s meeting will begin at 9 a.m. and end at 12 p.m.  The full meeting agenda is at https://www.alaska.edu/bor/agendas/

The meeting, with the exception of any executive sessions, will be livestreamed at https://www.alaska.edu/bor/live/.

The University of Alaska Board of Regents is an 11-member volunteer board, appointed by the governor and confirmed by the Alaska State Legislature. Members serve an 8-year term, with the exception of the student regent who is nominated from his/her campus and serves a 2-year term. The board was established through the Alaska Constitution and is responsible for University of Alaska policy and management through the university president.

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For more information, contact Roberta Graham, associate vice president of public affairs at 907-360-2416 (cell).