February 3, 2016
For Immediate Release
Feb. 3, 2016
UA Statement in Response to ANSEP/Mt. Edgecumbe Proposal
Given the significant amount of concern and conflicting information circulating about
the recent proposal to convert Mt. Edgecumbe into an Alaska Native Science and Engineering
Program (ANSEP) acceleration high school, the Board of Regents and the University of Alaska
administration want to make it clear that this proposal has not been generated by
the UA Administration or the regents.
Nor has the proposal been rigorously reviewed or approved by the Department of Education
and Early Development (DEED), by the university administration or the Board of Regents
– all of whom have expertise in educational matters, and a broad perspective on these
efficient and effective programs.
While the concept for an ANSEP acceleration high school may have merit, there may
be other approaches that should be considered. There's no reason to go forward without
appropriate review and dialogue – ANSEP and Mt. Edgecumbe are each performing well.
The university administration and the Board of Regents have asked for time to thoroughly
review the proposal, work collaboratively with DEED, Mt. Edgecumbe administration,
the community and other interested parties and respond accordingly.
For more information contact Roberta Graham, Assoc. Vice President of Public Affairs
and Federal Relations at 907-786-1190 or 907-360-2416