Technology tools that make it possible to work, study and teach when you can’t get to campus.

HR - Remote Work Resources

Resources for long-term onsite, remote, and hybrid work opportunities

Employees who are working partially or fully from home will need to complete a telework agreement with their supervisor.  

Accessing Your Work Remotely

Virtual Desktop

The VDI (Virtual Desktop Instance) gives access to a Windows Desktop from anywhere on almost any device. With a Virtual Desktop you can also easily access network shared drives as well as many other widely used resources on the University network.

Remote Desktop

Remote Desktop applications allow remote access to your computer from off campus using another device.
Use this method only as a last resort, if there is an application or data on your work computer that you have no other way to access. In all other cases, work from your device directly or by using the virtual lab.

Using VPN

When you are not connected directly to the campus network, VPN (Virtual Private Network) client creates a “tunnel” between your computer and the campus network that identifies you as a member of the UA community, allowing you virtual access to restricted networked resources. 

Blackboard, UAOnline and Google Apps don’t require connecting to the VPN. However, if you need to access software that requires connecting to the VPN, make sure that the VPN client is installed, configured, and tested on your computer.

Below are some of the most commonly used software applications that require a VPN login prior to accessing off-campus. Visit Software Downloads for details on university software not listed here.



Widely-used applications

Popular Links

UA Learn- Login to Blackboard to access your class(es)

Google Mail - Access your Google Apps @UA email account

UAOnline - UA Online Services

ELMO - Manage your UA username and password



Productivity Tools


Communication Tools





Additional Resources


IT Policies & Guidelines




Corona Virus

University of Alaska is closely monitoring the ongoing Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak

Visit for more updates