November 5, 1999

Board of Regents Meeting
Special Meeting of the
Finance, Facilities, and Land Management Committee

November 5, 1999; 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
Chancellor's Conference Room, Administration Building
University of Alaska Anchorage Campus
Anchorage, Alaska


Committee Members:
Elsa Froehlich Demeksa, Chair
Mary Jane Fate
Robert A. Malone
R. Danforth Ogg
Joseph E. Usibelli, Jr.
Michael J. Burns, Board Chair

I. Call to Order

II. Adoption of Agenda


"The Finance, Facilities, and Land Management Committee adopts the agenda as presented.

I. Call to Order

II. Adoption of Agenda

III. Full Board Consent Agenda

A. Approval of FY2001 Operating and Capital Budget Requests

IV. Ongoing Issues

A. Status Report on Construction in Progress and Other Projects

B. Report on Board of Regents' Reporting Structure Project

C. Report on Consolidated Fund

V. New Business

VI. Future Agenda Items

VII. Adjourn

This motion is effective November 5, 1999."

III. Full Board Consent Agenda

A. Approval of FY2001 Operating and Capital Budget Requests Reference 1

At the October 1, 1999 Board of Regents' meeting, the administration and the Board of Regents discussed strategic goals and initiatives and outlined the operating budget plan for FY2001. The outline has been refined based on direction provided by members of the Board of Regents, President Hamilton, and the chancellors.

The theme for the FY2001 budget will be "Where Alaska's Future Begins" and will address strengthening the university's capacity to meet the state's workforce development and economic diversification needs. The operating budget request will focus on preserving the university's human resource infrastructure and meeting state needs through selected initiatives to help diversify Alaska's economy, meet Alaska's employment demands, and develop Alaska's future leaders.

The capital improvement program will continue to focus on three goals: (1) deferred maintenance backlog reduction and facility renewal and replacement requirements, (2) renewal and replacement of high tech equipment, and (3) new construction of facilities that capitalize on partnerships and existing infrastructure. Prioritization of new construction projects will be based on the criteria adopted by the Board of Regents last year: strategic importance, demonstrated need, developed plan or maturity of the project, partnering potential, and degree of self or external financial support.

The schedules included in Reference 1 represent a draft of the administration's proposal as of this writing; however, the president and chancellors are still engaged in discussions regarding needs, priorities and other issues related to the budget plan. Any changes in the administration's proposal will be hand-carried to the meeting on November 5.

This plan, as may be adjusted based on discussions with the Finance, Facilities, and Land Management Committee and other board members, will become the basis for the FY2001 general fund operating and capital budget requests to the governor and the legislature. It will also become the core around which the summary budget request (Red Book) will be prepared.

President Hamilton will discuss the budget plan and initiatives with the board; the preliminary budget submission will be made to the governor prior to the November 18, 1999 board meeting.

The President recommends that:


"The Finance, Facilities, and Land Management Committee recommends that the Board of Regents approve completing the FY2001 operating and capital budget requests in accordance with the plan and initiatives as presented. This motion is effective November 5, 1999."

IV. Ongoing Issues

A. Status Report on Construction in Progress and Other Projects Reference 2

The status report for construction in progress, prepared for the October 1, 1999 Finance, Facilities, and Land Management Committee meeting, is included in Reference 2. Jim Lynch, interim vice president for Finance, and representatives from each MAU will be available to update the committee on any significant changes in status and to address any questions of the committee. The discussion will include specific updates on the Coal-Water Fuel Project and the Lena Point SFOS Project.

This is an information item; no action is required.

B. Report on Board of Regents' Reporting Structure Project

Pat Pitney, director of Budget Development and Institutional Research, will provide an update on the BOR Reporting Project and the related data that is currently available through the university's web site. This reporting structure was developed in response to requests by Regents Henri and Ogg for reports that would provide more meaningful financial reporting.

The intent of the project is to provide a consistent functional reporting format that will allow analysis of departmental activity over time. The proposed structure will allow more consistent accumulation and reporting of departmental data from the Banner HR, student, and finance systems.

C. Report on Consolidated Fund

Jim Lynch, interim vice president for Finance, will present an overview on the performance of the University of Alaska and University of Alaska Foundation Consolidated Fund.

The Consolidated Fund is the combined investment fund, which consists of the investable resources of the university's land-grant endowment and the foundation's pooled endowment fund. The Consolidated Fund is managed through the University of Alaska Foundation Investment Committee.

This is an information item; no action is required.

V. New Business

VI. Future Agenda Items

VII. Adjourn