Adrielle Jones finds inspiration in the mission of the University of Alaska Foundation
When the going gets tough, Adrielle Jones finds renewed inspiration in the dedication of her colleagues to the mission of the University of Alaska Foundation.
“Students and donors are a constant inspiration, and the mission of furthering Alaska's future through education is always in focus,” said Jones. “When, in the midst of uncertainty and budget cuts, you're struggling alongside people who believe as deeply as you do about the work you're doing together, it's easy to remember what you're fighting for. Philanthropic support of our university is more important than ever.” Jones has been Gift Manager for the University of Alaska Foundation since October 2018. In this position she processes incoming gifts to UA to help ensure proper stewardship of donations.
Jones was born and raised in Fairbanks. She met her husband while attending the University
of Alaska Fairbanks. She is a current UAF School of Management student, majoring in
accounting, and minoring in emergency management.