Wellness program deadline is June 30
The deadline for the wellness program is June 30, 2020. This means that you still
have about a month to complete the program requirements and earn your wellness rebate
up to $600.
A new activity has been added to your PreventionCloud dashboard: a COVID-19 Quiz.
This quiz is worth 1 point toward your wellness rebate and the high point raffle. You
will have 3 attempts to make at least a 70% to earn your point for this quiz.
- Login to your PreventionCloud dashboard
- Select "Quiz" from the menu on the left-hand side of your screen
- Click "Start" to begin your COVID-19 quiz
If you haven't logged in to your PreventionCloud account, it is not too late. You can still log in and earn the 7 points to qualify for the wellness rebate before the program deadline.
Spouses/Financially Interdependent Partners (FIPs) can only login using their PreventionCloud credentials.
- Your username is your FIRSTNAMELASTNAMEBirthyear
- Your password is your birthdate in the format MMDDYYYY
- For example: John Smith with the birthday September 9, 1965 would have the username JOHNSMITH1965 and the password 09091965.
- After your initial login, you'll be prompted to change your password. You may choose whatever password you wish.