University of Alaska Board of Regents to discuss FY21 budget options during its June 4-5 meeting, host public testimony on June 2
The University of Alaska Board of Regents will discuss the university’s options to close the FY21 budget gap at its June 4-5 full board meeting.
The university faces significant financial constraints brought on by state budget cuts, enrollment declines and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. During the meeting, President Johnsen will present cost-saving options that have been reviewed by the university’s leadership as well as business and academic councils.
These options were created in partnership with chancellors, community campus directors, governance leaders, and others who provided ideas for these transformative solutions. Some of these options include inter-university collaborations, refinancing debt to free up funds and reduce expenses, and exploring new avenues to increase revenue. Visit for the latest information on proposed options, timelines, opportunities for engagement, governance resolutions and presentations to the board.
In addition to the budget, the board’s agenda includes updates on university finances,
and Title IX. President Johnsen will present four outstanding staff members with the
“Staff Make Students Count” award for providing outstanding service to students. During
this meeting regents will recognize outgoing leaders, UAS Chancellor Rick Caulfield,
UA Foundation President Susan Foley, General Counsel Mike Hostina as well as Erika
Van Flein, director of employee transitions and benefits, who is retiring.
The Board of Regents have added another opportunity for Alaskans to provide public testimony. The board will hear public testimony from 4-6 p.m. on June 2 via audio. Those interested can call 1-866-726-0757 to join the queue. This public testimony session will be live streamed at: You can also provide written testimony anytime by emailing
The board meeting and public testimony will be live streamed at