Statewide Celebrates Service and Excellence
Photos by Monique Musick
SAA President Dory Straight and member Linda Hall distribute door prize tickets and UA goodies to the arriving crowd.
Five-year employees received nameplates.
Ten-year employees received engraved ulus.
Fifteen-year employees received UA desk clocks. Twenty-year and above select their own art or keepsake.
The ice cream sundae line is always popular.
SAA President Dory Straight was emcee for the event.
President Gamble addressed a full house in Fairbanks and Anchorage.
The event was video-conferenced so employees in Anchorage and Fairbanks could celebrate together. Statewide employees from other locations were able to call in and share the audio.
Tim Armbruster receives his 5-year award from President Gamble.
These employees marked their 5-year anniversary during 2013.
Gamble laughs with Nikki Pittman as he presents her with a 10-year service award.
Thank you all for 10-years of great service to the university.
Weston Davey provided hints for determining "who did it" for the game of Clue presented by Internal Audit.
Britton Anderson takes a photo of his 5-year service award.
The 15-year service award honorees.
David Hill introduces 20-year employee Douglas Maynes, sharing good words about this talented and dedicated employee.
Doug Maynes and his wife Deb listen to David Hill's introduction.
Recognizing 20-years of service.
Doug Maynes has been helping customers in telephone services since 1993.
Of all the items he could have slected for his 20-year recognition, he chose a beautiful necklace for his wife of 31 years.
Ashok Roy shared great words about 20-year employee Tammi Weaver. Weaver, who was out of town for the celebration, has been an investment manager for the university since 1993 and currently oversees hundreds of millions in investment funds as the Chief Investment Officer.
David DeWolfe introduced twenty-five year employee Dale Denny.
Dale Denny has been a computer operator at the university since 1987. He is currently the Manager of Data Center Operations, a position he's held since 2009.
Kate Ripley, director of Public Affairs, presents the 25-year service award to Assistant Director Kate Wattum.
Smiles abound as Wattum receives flowers and recognition from Ripley.
President Gamble couldn't resist making a few comments about Wattum's selected award: a new climbing rope.
Kate Wattum shares some of the insight she's gained in the last 25 years, and her support of Shaping Alaska's Future.
It was Dale Denny's turn at the podium, this time to introduce co-worker Guy Lee and to recognize his 35-years of service.
Guy Lee receives a standing ovation for his 35-years of outstanding service.
Guy Lee shares some thoughts on his long employment at the university and the great people he's been able to work with during his 35-years.
Samantha Stanbrough walks up to receive the Outstanding Student Employee Award for 2013.
The Outstanding Employee awards are selected by a commitee from nominations submitted by Statewide staff and administration. The peer recognition makes these awards particularly meaningful.
Gwen Gruenig accepts the Outstanding Employee Award for her friend and co-worker Michelle Rizk.
Gruenig filmed the whole process so Michelle Rizk could share in the experience later.
James Gentry III accepts the 2013 Outstanding Department Award on behalf of OIT Technical Services.
Weston Davey reveals the final who-done-it based on a real-life situation.
And the winner is.... the celebration concluded with door prize drawings and give-aways.