March 2014-Issue #86

A cow and calf amble through the woods. Photo by Monique Musick
System News
- Guns on Campus — Call to Action
- Information on SB 176
- Participate in Wellness Plan and Save up to $1,200 on UA Choice Plans
- MAPTS and Yukon College Graduate First Class of Underground Mine Students
- Alaska Shield 2014: Full-Scale Exercise Simulates Major Quake
- Latest Legislative Updates
- System News� MORE...�
Announcements and Recognition
- One Week Left to Give to UA Through Pick.Click.Give.
- Statewide Celebrates Service and Excellence
- AK Native Studies Conference Comes to Juneau
- Open Enrollment April 15 to May 16
- Identity Theft Prevention Program at UA
- Interview with Dr. Roy Featured in UK Industry Publication
- Nominations Open for SAA Through April 14
- March and April Training Opportunities
- Administrative Professionals Week April 20—26
- Announcements� MORE...