
New Mat-Su College Director

Fran Ulmer announced July 29, 2010 that Dr. Talis J. Colberg has accepted the position of director of UAA’s Mat-Su College. Dr. Colberg was chosen from a group of stellar finalists who visited campus this past month.

Dr. Colberg has been an active member of the Mat-Su Valley community for many years. He’s a life-long Alaskan and third generation Valley resident who currently serves as the Borough Mayor. Dr. Colberg’s passion for Alaska is clearly reflected in his service to the state—he’s worked as Alaska’s� Attorney General, as a Borough Assemblyman, as the director for the Alaska State Fair, and has also practiced law here since 1984.

Dr. Colberg’s relationship with the Mat-Su College began in the 1970s, first as a student, later as a math tutor, and finally as a adjunct history instructor. “Dr. Colberg has been involved with the college for many years,” said Dennis Clark, outgoing Mat-Su College Director. “He understands the community and student needs, and I know that I am leaving the college in capable hands. I believe he is the right person to keep Mat-Su College moving in a positive direction.”

Having already earned a J.D. from Pepperdine University in 1983, Dr. Colberg returned to school to earn his Ph.D. from UAF in Northern Political History and Culture. “Higher education has always been incredibly important to me. I look forward to working with the Mat-Su team to continue the College’s progress and further its reach into our growing community,” said Dr. Colberg.

Dr. Colberg began his post at Mat-Su College on August 16. Dennis Clark, who has served as Mat-Su’s director since 2006, will retire at the end of the month. I am confident that Dr. Colberg’s deep commitment to and knowledge of the Valley community will help to make him a valuable addition to the College and to the UAA leadership team.

Please join Ulmer in congratulating Dr. Colberg on his new position as director, and in thanking Dennis Clark for his years of exceptional leadership at UAA.

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