FY2020 Operating Budget

FY20 budget FAQ

Do you have other questions that we should add to our FAQ? Please use this form to suggest questions. Information in the FAQ will be updated as the situation develops.

FY2020 Budget Resources

The governor's vetos hit UA hard. We will need to take steps immediately to advocate for a legislative restoration of the vetoed funding, cut unnecessary expenses, and begin planning for the possibility that we will not receive additional funding.

Additional UA Resources

Messages to UA Community

UA Budget Media Coverage

Deer Oaks Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Please remember to take care of yourself during these difficult times. Our employee assistance program provider, Deer Oaks, offers a wide variety of counseling, referral and consultation services. These services are completely confidential and can be easily accessed by calling the toll-free Helpline at (888) 993-7650 or logging on to the Deer Oaks website at deeroakseap.com. For more information download the Deer Oaks EAP fact sheet.