Announcements of UA system leadership changes, employee recognition and personnel news.
Personnel News
Chief Human Resources Officer Steve Patin resigns
May 07, 2021
Earlier this week it was announced that Chief Human Resources Officer Steve Patin has resigned from his position to take an executive position with First National Bank Alaska.
May 07, 2021
With deepest condolences to her family, the University of Alaska community mourns the death of Carolyne Wallace who died last weekend.
UAA Vice Provost and College of Health Dean Jeff Jesse announces retirement
May 07, 2021
Earlier this week, University of Alaska Anchorage Vice Provost and College of Health Dean Jeff Jesse announced that he will be retiring at the end of July after serving the university for the last four years.
UAF Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Keith Champagne resigns
May 07, 2021
On May 3, Keith Champagne resigned from his position as vice chancellor for student affairs at University of Alaska Fairbanks.
Eight finalists named in UAA chancellor search
April 16, 2021
The UAA Chancellor Search Committee has recommended eight candidates to meet with the UAA and Anchorage community in the final phase of the chancellor review process.
UAA Chancellor Search Committee completes first review of candidates
April 01, 2021
The UAA Chancellor Search Committee has completed its first review of candidates for the next UAA chancellor. The committee evaluated numerous applications from a diverse and highly-qualified pool, and will meet with many of the candidates to learn more about them.
Stefanie Gorder joins the UA System Human Resources Office
March 19, 2021
Stefanie Gorder has joined the UA System Human Resources Office as executive assistant to Chief Human Resources Officer Steve Patin and Human Resources communications specialist.
An update on the University of Alaska Anchorage chancellor search and candidate attribute priorities
March 05, 2021
The UAA chancellor search committee has been making steady progress toward finding the next UAA chancellor and has posted updated information on the search website: UAA Chancellor Search. The updates include the position profile, candidate attributes, and an anticipated timeline. Many of you offered feedback on attributes the next chancellor should possess, and we thank you for taking the time to provide your thoughts.
An update on the University of Alaska Anchorage chancellor search
February 19, 2021
The UAA Chancellor Selection Committee recently shared the attributes under consideration for selecting the next UAA Chancellor.
Regents set Spring 2022 for presidential search; extend Pitney contract
February 05, 2021
As the University of Alaska continues to pursue budget stability and deal with the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, I wanted to share with you that the Board of Regents decided at its January 15 meeting to postpone the search for the next president until spring 2022 and extend President Pat Pitney's contract until the next president is named.