
Board of Regents


University of Alaska Board of Regents

Emergency Meeting of the Full Board

November 5, 1998



Regents Present:
Annette M. Nelson-Wright, Secretary - Juneau
Chancy Croft, Treasurer - Anchorage
Mary Jane Fate - Anchorage
Joseph R. Henri - Anchorage
R. Danforth Ogg - Kodiak (joined at 3:40 p.m.)
Joe J. Thomas - Fairbanks
Lew M. Williams, Jr. - Scottsdale, AZ

Mark R. Hamilton, Executive Officer and President of the University of Alaska - Anchorage

Regents Absent:
Michael J. Burns, President
Elsa Froehlich Demeksa, Vice President
Sharon D. Gagnon
Michael P. Kelly

In Attendance:
In Fairbanks:
Wendy Redman, Vice President for University Relations
James A. Parrish, General Counsel
Jim Johnsen, Chief of Staff
J. Mark Neumayr, Senior Associate General Counsel
Ron Pierce, Project Director
Michael Ruckhaus, Project Manager
Greg Krier, Project Coordinator
Jeannie D. Phillips, Board of Regents' Officer
David Costello, Sun-Star
In Anchorage:
Jim Lynch, Interim Vice President for Finance
Frank Williams, Interim Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services, UAF
Ken Vasser, Wohlforth, Argetsinger, Johnson & Brecht

I. Call to Order

Board Secretary Nelson-Wright called the meeting to order at 3:10 p.m.

II. Election of Chairperson Pro Tem

Robert's Rules of Order provides that, in the absence of the President and Vice President, the Secretary of the Board shall "call the meeting to order and preside until the immediate election of a chairperson pro tem."

Because President Burns and Vice President Demeksa were unable to attend, a chairperson pro tem was elected as the first order of business.

Regent Fate moved that Regent Henri be elected as Chairperson Pro Tem. Regent Williams seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.


"The Board of Regents elects Regent Joseph R. Henri to serve as Chairperson Pro Tem for the duration of this meeting. This motion is effective November 5, 1998."

III. Adoption of Agenda

Regent Nelson-Wright moved, seconded by Regent Williams, and passed unanimously that:


"The Board of Regents adopts the agenda as presented.

I. Call to Order

II. Election of Chairperson Pro Tem

III. Adoption of Agenda

IV. Reconsideration of Authorization of Bond Sale for UAF's Coal-Water Fuel Project

V. Adjourn

This motion is effective November 5, 1998."

IV. Reconsideration of Authorization of Bond Sale for UAF's Coal-Water Fuel Project

For the record: Regents Burns and Kelly declared a conflict of interest regarding the topic of this meeting and did not participate in discussions regarding the meeting, and did not attend the meeting.

At its November 4, 1998 emergency meeting, a motion was made and seconded to Reconsider and Enter on the Minutes until such time another emergency meeting of the Board could be established. This required consideration of the motion for reconsideration at this meeting.

Regent Williams moved, seconded by Regent Fate, and passed unanimously that:


"The Board of Regents reconsiders Motion #1 set forth below. This motion is effective November 5, 1998."

Regent Williams moved, seconded by Regent Fate, that motion #1 be approved. Discussion followed regarding the history of the project, students and faculty that will be involved in the research, possible cost of the project in future years, and partnership possibilities.

The motion was approved with Regents Croft, Fate, Henri, Thomas and Williams voting in favor and Regents Nelson-Wright and Ogg voting in opposition:

PASSED- MOTION #1 "The Board of Regents approves the UAF Coal-Water Fuel Project at a total project cost not to exceed $52.214 million, $42.3 million of which will be expended by UAF. This motion is effective November 5, 1998."

Regent Williams moved, seconded by Regent Ogg, and passed with Regents Croft, Fate, Henri, Ogg, Thomas and Williams voting in favor, and Regent Nelson-Wright voting in opposition that:


"The Board of Regents adopts the bond resolution for University of Alaska General Revenue Bond Series H as presented. This motion is effective November 5, 1998."

Regent Williams moved, seconded by Regent Ogg, and passed with Regents Croft, Fate, Henri, Ogg, Thomas and Williams voting in favor, and Regent Nelson-Wright voting in opposition that:


"The Board of Regents adopts the bond resolution for University of Alaska General Revenue Bond Series I as presented. This motion is effective November 5, 1998."

Regent Williams requested that President Hamilton brief the Board of Regents on this project during regular board meetings.

V. Adjourn

Chairman Henri adjourned the meeting at 4:00 p.m.