June 1, 1998 Minutes

Board of Regents


Special Meeting of the

University of Alaska Board of Regents

June 1, 1998

Anchorage, Alaska


Regents Present:
Michael P. Kelly, President
R. Danforth Ogg, Vice President
Mary Jane Fate, Secretary
Chancy Croft, Treasurer
Michael J. Burns
Elsa Froehlich Demeksa
Sharon D. Gagnon (via audioconference from Boston, MA)
Joseph R. Henri
Lew M. Williams, Jr.

In Attendance:
James A. Parrish, General Counsel
Wendy Redman, Vice President for University Relations
Patty Kastelic, Executive Director for Human Resources
Robert Miller, Director, Public Affairs
Jeannie D. Phillips, Board of Regents' Officer
Dawn Hunziker, Board of Regents' Coordinator
Betty Hasler, Consultant, Heidrick & Struggles (via audioconference from Tempe, AZ)

I. Call to Order

President Kelly called the meeting to order at 10:40 a.m.

II. Adoption of Agenda

The agenda was adopted by unanimous consent as amended.


"The Board of Regents approves the agenda as amended.

I. Call to Order
II. Approval of Agenda
III. Consideration of University of Alaska President Selection
IV. Other Items of Concern
A. Request from Regent Williams to attend TV Appearance

V. Adjourn

This motion is effective June 1, 1998."

III. Consideration of University of Alaska President Selection

Members of the Board of Regents evaluated the qualifications of the two finalists for the position of the University of Alaska President: Dr. David Toppen and General Mark Hamilton.

After extensive public discussion, the Board of Regents went into executive session.

Regent Fate moved, seconded by Regent Thomas and passed unanimously that:


"The Board of Regents goes into executive session at 12:30 p.m. A.D.T in accordance with the provisions of AS 44.62.310 to discuss matters which would adversely affect the finances of the University and might tend to prejudice the character of a person or persons. The session will include members of the Board of Regents, and such other participants as President Kelly may designate and will last approximately one hour. Thus, the open session of the Board of Regents will resume in this room at approximately 1:30 p.m. A.D.T. This motion is effective June 1, 1998."

Regent Fate announced that the Board of Regents concluded an executive session at 3:05 p.m. A.D.T. in accordance with AS 44.62.310 discussing matters which would adversely affect the finances of the University and might tend to prejudice the character of a person or persons. The session included members of the Board of Regents, and other participants designated by President Kelly and lasted approximately 2 1/2 hours.

Regent Williams moved, seconded by Regent Croft, and passed unanimously that:


"In accordance with Article VII, Section 3 of the Constitution of the State of Alaska, the Board of Regents appoints as President of the University of Alaska, Mark R. Hamilton, subject to the terms and conditions of a contractual agreement to be finalized by the President of the Board of Regents and the appointee. This motion is effective June 1, 1998."

IV. Other Items of Concern

A. Request from Regent Williams to attend TV Appearance

Regent Williams reported that he has been asked to participate in a television production in Juneau regarding the University of Alaska on June 12, 1998 and asked that authority be given for him to travel to this event using University of Alaska funds. President Kelly authorized the travel.

V. Adjourn

President Kelly adjourned the meeting at 3:10 p.m.