April 17, 1998 Summary

Board of Regents


Meeting of the

University of Alaska Board of Regents

April 17, 1998

Juneau, Alaska


1. Approval of Microcomputer Support Specialist Certificate and Associate of Applied Science Degree Program

[Amendment added the phrase "within existing budget allocations."]


"The Board of Regents approves the Microcomputer Support Specialist Certificate and Associate of Applied Science Degree Program proposed by the University of Alaska Fairbanks for delivery across the state in collaboration with the University of Alaska Anchorage and the University of Alaska Southeast, within existing budget allocations. This motion is effective April 17, 1998."

2. Approval of Regents' Policy 09.05 - Employment of Students


"The Board of Regents approves Regents' Policy 09.05 - Employment of Students. This motion is effective April 17, 1998."

3. Approval of Regents' Policy Revisions Regarding WWAMI


"The Board of Regents approves revisions to Regents' Policy 05.10.01.J.1 and Policy 10.05.04 to change the program title from the Washington-Alaska-Montana-Idaho (WAMI) Medical Program to the Washington-Wyoming-Alaska-Montana-Idaho (WWAMI) Medical Program. This motion is effective April 17, 1998."

4. Approval of the UAF Road Infrastructure Improvements Project


"As required by Regents' Policy 05.12.02 C., the Board of Regents approves the University of Alaska Fairbanks Road Infrastructure Improvements Project as presented and authorizes the university administration to proceed with this project within available funding. This motion is effective April 17, 1998."

5. Authorize Sale of Revenue Bonds for University of Alaska Fairbanks Coal Water Project, SFOS Planning & Design, and the University's Library (GNOSIS) Computer System

[Amendment added "and Construction" to second paragraph.]


"The Board of Regents:

(1) approves the sale of revenue bonds in the amount of $1.6 million to fund the Library GNOSIS computer system and $4.5 million for the coal-water project costs, plus other revenue bond amounts necessary to cover costs of issue, discount expenses, and capitalized interest for the periods shown in Reference 12; the total amount of the bond sale not to exceed $7.0 million; and

(2) approves the sale of revenue bonds in the amount of $1.7 million to fund the SFOS Planning and Design and Construction costs, plus other revenue bond amounts necessary to cover costs of issue, discount expenses, and capitalized interest; the total amount of the bond sale not to exceed $1.9 million; and

(3) approves the sale of refunding bonds in an unlimited amount to cover refunding bonds and costs of issue and discount expenses so long as actual savings exceed $350,000 or the present value of those savings exceeds 4.0 percent; and

(4) authorizes the vice president for finance and planning and the associate vice president for finance to make any declarations and execute any documents necessary to maintain the university's ability to sell tax exempt bonds for these projects at a later date; and

(5) authorizes and directs the vice president for finance and planning and the associate vice president for finance, in conjunction with retained bond counsel, to prepare appropriate resolutions for consideration by the Board of Regents at a time which the vice president for finance and planning or designee deems most appropriate for the sale of the bonds.

This motion is effective April 17, 1998."

6. Approval of Temporary Re-Employment for Retirement Incentive Program Participants


"The Board of Regents approves the appointment of Gerald Neubert, Jan Henderson, Eileen Franson, Dean Chantry, Coert Olmstead and Carolyn Reddekopp to a temporary position or project contract, not to exceed 49 percent of their previous base salary. These appointments may not include retirement, health or leave benefits, except social security replacement if required by the IRS. This motion is effective April 17, 1998."

7. Approval of Fiscal Years 1999 and 2000 Budget Development and Planning Assumptions


"The Board of Regents approves the Fiscal Year 1999 and Fiscal Year 2000 Budget Development and Planning Assumptions as presented. This motion is effective April 17, 1998."

8. Approval of Resolution of Appreciation for Dr. April E. Crosby

WHEREAS, April E. Crosby received her bachelor's degree in philosophy in 1969, from Colorado College in Colorado Springs, and in 1974 received her doctorate in philosophy from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee; and

WHEREAS, April E. Crosby also received a master's degree in public administration in 1990 from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts; and

WHEREAS, Dr. Crosby received additional professional training in alternative dispute resolution, project design and evaluation, leadership development, grant proposal writing, supervision skills and integrating experiential learning into the classroom; and

WHEREAS, Dr. Crosby began her professional higher education career in 1974 as an assistant professor at Colorado Women's College in Denver; and

WHEREAS, Dr. Crosby held a variety of faculty positions in Alaska and Maine for several years before becoming co-director of the Project for Experiential Education at Colorado Women's College in Denver and then became program director for the University Without Walls program at Loretto Heights College in Denver; and

WHEREAS, Dr. Crosby first came to Alaska in 1975, then returned in 1983 to the University of Alaska Fairbanks where she was a program planner and acting director of the Office of Conferences and Institutes before becoming director of general education at Tanana Valley Community College; and

WHEREAS, in 1990, Dr. Crosby became assistant ombudsman in Fairbanks for the State of Alaska, and was also principal owner of Crosby & Associates, an education and public policy consulting firm; and

WHEREAS, Dr. Crosby became assistant to Dr. Jerome B. Komisar, president of the University of Alaska, and was asked to concentrate her activities in three specific areas: to help advance intercampus discussions about academic programs; to help develop a statewide colloquium on the role of the University of Alaska and the preparation of teachers; to help coordinate intercampus collaboration on education telecommunications and distance delivery of educational programs and services; and

WHEREAS, Dr. Crosby quickly proved adept at helping to form and lead effective work groups that involved representation from throughout the system and collaboration on programs to improve the University of Alaska's teacher education programs and contribute to their implementation, to advance significantly the University's understanding and use of distance delivery technology, and to demonstrate time and time again that System Office leadership was vital to giving direction and impetus to systemwide initiatives; and

WHEREAS, many of Dr. Crosby's accomplishments on behalf of the University of Alaska are contained in an alphabet soup: REPP (Rural Educator Preparation Partnership program), PECC (Professional Education Coordinating Committee), and the UALC (University of Alaska Learning Cooperative), all programs that benefited from Dr. Crosby's direct involvement; and

WHEREAS, Dr. Crosby's greatest accomplishment may well be that she was able to get people from all over the University system to work together on programs of compelling mutual interest to the statewide University system and to all regions of the State of Alaska;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Regents expresses its deep gratitude to Dr. April E. Crosby for her service to the University and to the Board of Regents; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be conveyed to Dr. April E. Crosby, with a copy to be incorporated into the official minutes of the April 17, 1998 meeting of the Board of Regents.


"The Board of Regents approves the resolution of appreciation for Dr. April E. Crosby. This motion is effective April 17, 1998."

9. Request for Report on Travel Savings


"The Board of Regents directs the vice president for finance and planning and the chancellors to report to the Board at its June 1998 meeting how a minimum of $1 million of savings can be realized from within MAU general fund travel budgets. This motion is effective April 17, 1998."

10. Designation of Annual Meeting


"The Board of Regents, in accordance with Regents' Policy 01.01 - Bylaws of the Board of Regents, designates its June 19, 1998 meeting as its annual meeting for the purpose of electing officers of the board. This motion is effective April 17, 1998."

11. UAF Housing Deferred Maintenance Plan


"The Board of Regents approves the modification of the UAF Housing Deferred Maintenance Plan as presented to the Finance, Facilities and Land Management Committee on April 16, 1998. This motion is effective April 17, 1998."

12. Resolution of Commendation to the University of Alaska Anchorage 1998 Student Showcase Award Recipients

WHEREAS, the University of Alaska Anchorage Student Showcase Program was created 14 years ago as a program designed to provide opportunities for intellectual and social exchange in a professional conference setting between students, faculty and community members; and

WHEREAS, students submit papers and projects which are evaluated by UAA faculty members to determine whether they are worthy of presentation at the conference; and

WHEREAS, these papers and projects are also evaluated by community members; and

WHEREAS, during the UAA 1998 Student Showcase Academic Conference, held on March 28, 1998, 41 projects were selected by the judges as worthy of a UAA 1998 Award of Excellence;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Regents congratulates and commends the following students as the UAA 1998 Student Showcase Award Recipients:

Elizabeth Hersh - Nursing Management of the Client with a Bacterial Infection - Nursing

Elaine Mailer - Role Competencies of Expert Public Health Nurses in Alaska: A Qualitative Study - Nursing

Brenda Todd, Judy Dilling, Jan Kiester, Brenda Sisich, Lucinda Truesdell, Laura Zettler, Laurie Caulderhead, Amy Magstadt, Joy Evans - Parish Nursing: Healing Through Their Congregations - Nursing

Dana Lindemann, Eric Murphy - Human Choice Behavior: The Generality of the Matching Law - Psychology

Ser Jackson - History & Myth Today: Historiographic Metafiction in Two Contemporary Novels - English

Lois LaGarce - The Human Cost of Imperialism: Demographic Collapse in Hawaii - History

Katherine Barger - The Post Modern Perplex: Postmodernism in The Long Night of the White Chickens - English

Jacob Giossi - Camille Saint-Saens - Music

Katherine Wegner - Batti Batti O Bel Masetto - Music

Mark Ayers - Phase Dependence in a System of Coupled Oscillators - Physics

Arlitia Jones - Nimue - Creative Writing & Literary Arts

Christian Muntean - Street Kids of Anchorage: Case Studies - Sociology

Laura Robinson-Reidsma - Critical Analysis of Billings, Montana - Sociology

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be conveyed to each recipient and to Dr. Sharon Araji, founder of the Student Showcase and UAA Professor of Sociology, with a copy to be incorporated into the official minutes of the April 17, 1998 meeting of the Board of Regents.


"The Board of Regents approves the resolution of commendation to the UAA 1998 Student Showcase Award Recipients as presented. This motion is effective April 17, 1998."