January 14, 1998 Minutes

Board of Regents


Emergency Meeting of the

University of Alaska Board of Regents

January 14, 1998

Anchorage, Alaska


Regents Present:
Michael P. Kelly, President
R. Danforth Ogg, Vice President
Mary Jane Fate, Secretary
Chancy Croft, Treasurer
Michael J. Burns
Elsa Froehlich Demeksa
Sharon D. Gagnon
Joseph R. Henri
Annette M. Nelson-Wright
Joe J. Thomas
Lew M. Williams, Jr.

Jerome B. Komisar, Executive Officer and President of the University of Alaska

Others Present:
David Creamer, Vice President for Finance and Planning
James A. Parrish, General Counsel
Wendy Redman, Vice President for University Relations
J. Mark Neumayr, Associate General Counsel
Jeannie D. Phillips, Board of Regents’ Officer

I. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by President Kelly at 12:20 p.m.

II. Adoption of Agenda

The agenda was adopted with no objections as amended.


"The Board of Regents adopts the agenda as presented.

I. Call to Order
II. Adoption of Agenda
III. Presidential Search Consultants
IV. Presidential Search Committee
V. Discussion re Direction of University and Board of Regents' Expectations for a President
VI. Discussion re Schedule for Presidential Search Process
VII. Executive Session
VIII. Adjourn

This motion is effective January 14, 1998."

III. Presidential Search Consultants

Vice President Creamer reported on information received regarding national firms with experience in academic presidential searches and advised the board on a process to expedite the selection of such a firm.

For the record, Regent Henri expressed that although he voted in favor of the motion, he is not fully in favor of hiring a non-Alaska search firm.

Regent Williams moved, seconded by Regent Burns, and passed unanimously that:


"The Board of Regents authorizes Vice President Creamer to request the firms of A.T. Kearney, Heidrich & Struggles and Korn/Ferry International to submit proposals to provide presidential search consulting services for the University of Alaska, and that their proposals include a stipulation that part of their contract will include use of an Alaskan search firm or individual. This motion is effective January 14, 1998."

IV. Presidential Search Committee

President Kelly requested that board members comment on preferences for a search committee. The board then held an extensive discussion on the pros and cons of having a search committee consisting of the full board only or one which included all or part of the board as well as members of the university community and the general public.

Regent Williams moved, seconded by Regent Nelson-Wright, that:


"The Board of Regents moves that the Presidential Search Committee consist of the entire Board of Regents. This motion is effective January 14, 1998."

Regent Croft moved to amend the motion, seconded by Regent Henri to add the following underscored language:

Amendment #1:

"The Board of Regents moves that the Presidential Search Committee consist of the entire Board of Regents, three faculty members, one student, one alumni representative and one staff member, these members to be selected by the president of the Board of Regents. This motion is effective January 14, 1998."

Regent Henri moved to further amend the motion, seconded by Regent Fate, to add the following underscored language:

Amendment #2:

"The Board of Regents moves that the Presidential Search Committee consist of three members of the Board of Regents, with the entire Board of Regents having voting privileges at any meeting they attend, three faculty members, one student, one alumni representative and one staff member, and two non-university members, these members to be selected by the president of the Board of Regents. This motion is effective January 14, 1998."

President Kelly called for a vote on Amendment #2: the amendment failed on a vote of 3 to 8 with Regents Croft, Fate and Henri voting in favor, and Regents Burns, Demeksa, Gagnon, Kelly, Nelson-Wright, Ogg, Thomas and Williams voting in opposition.

President Kelly called for a vote on Amendment #1: the amendment failed on a vote of 2 to 9 with Regents Croft and Henri voting in favor, and Regents Burns, Demeksa, Fate, Gagnon, Kelly, Nelson-Wright, Ogg, Thomas and Williams voting in opposition.

President Kelly called for a vote on the main motion: the main motion passed on a vote of 7 to 4 with Regents Burns, Demeksa, Gagnon, Nelson-Wright, Ogg, Thomas and Williams voting in favor and Regents Croft, Fate, Henri and Kelly voting in opposition that:


"The Board of Regents moves that the Presidential Search Committee consist of the entire Board of Regents. This motion is effective January 14, 1998."

For the record, Regent Gagnon stated that the Board of Regents would be seeking public input using the widest means possible, employing innovative methods including internet information pages and electronic mailboxes.

V. Discussion re Direction of University and Board of Regents' Expectations for a President

The Board of Regents reviewed the vacancy announcement and expectations that were approved by the board during the 1990 presidential search and held an extensive discussion regarding revisions to both documents for the current search.

After discussing the issues for approximately two hours, the board decided to hold a workshop on this topic in the immediate future. Board members were requested to submit additional items on the direction of the University and expectations to the Board of Regents' Office. A summary of the day's comments and those received after the meeting would then be compiled and distributed in preparation for the workshop.

VI. Discussion re Schedule for Presidential Search Process

The Board of Regents reviewed a proposed schedule and suggested alternate dates for the selection of a consulting firm and interviews. The board requested that a revised timeline be submitted as part of the materials for the upcoming workshop.

VII. Executive Session

The Board of Regents did not go into executive session.

VIII. Adjourn

President Kelly adjourned the meeting at 6:00 p.m.