October 13, 1995 Summary
Board of Regents
Board of Regents' Meeting
October 13, 1995
Fairbanks, Alaska
1. Faculty Compensation
"In response to concerns expressed by the University community, the Board of Regents directs the Chancellors and their academic administrators to meet with their faculty to begin formulating procedures relevant to Policy and Regulation 04.05.03 on faculty compensation. It is the Board of Regents' strong desire that the Chancellors make every reasonable effort during the implementation process, within the parameters of existing policy and regulation, to explore with faculty the issues they have raised.
The Board of Regents directs the Chancellors to report at the February 1996 Board meeting on the procedures their campuses will be following to implement Policy and Regulation 04.05.03; the Board of Regents further directs the President and the Chancellors to evaluate the procedures that were implemented and report the results of their evaluation to the Board at its September 1996 meeting so that the Board may consider refinements to existing Policy and Regulation. This motion is effective October 13, 1995."
2. University of Alaska Southeast Mourant Building Food Service Remodeling - Project
"The Board of Regents approves the University of Alaska Southeast Mourant Building Food Service Remodeling project as presented and authorizes the University administration to proceed with hiring a consultant and preparing construction documents. This motion is effective October 13, 1995."
3. University of Alaska Fairbanks Stevens, Nerland and McIntosh Halls Deferred Maintenance
- Project Approval
"The Board of Regents approves the University of Alaska Fairbanks Stevens, Nerland and McIntosh Halls Deferred Maintenance Project as presented and authorizes the University administration to proceed with hiring a consultant and preparing construction documents. This motion is effective October 13, 1995."
4. Approval of Loan to UA Technology Development Corporation
"The Board of Regents authorizes the President and Vice President for Finance to execute a loan agreement with University of Alaska Technology Development Corporation in the additional amount not to exceed $165,000. This motion is effective October 13, 1995."
5. Adoption of Proposed Policy 08.06 - Information Technology
"The Board of Regents adopts new Regents' Policy 08.06 - Information Technology, as contained in Reference 4a and amended by the Finance, Facilities and Land Management Committee. The administration is authorized to renumber affected policies accordingly. This motion is effective October 13, 1995."
6. UAF Near Island Research Facility, Kodiak - Approval of Feasibility Study, Approval
of Lease, and Transfer of Responsibility
"The Board of Regents 1) approves the August 1995 feasibility study identifying no ongoing UAF operating costs and approximately 6,991 square feet of dedicated UAF space and approximately 1,269 square feet of shared space; 2) authorizes the administration to negotiate with OMB and the Kodiak Island Borough (KIB) for the transfer of responsibility for the project to the KIB and to arrange for an acceptable method to make the $3.0 million state appropriation to the University available to the KIB; 3) authorizes the no ongoing-cost space lease with the KIB; 4) authorizes the administration to release the Borough from its pledge to provide the site to the university at no-cost if the above described lease is executed and the facility is constructed; and 5) authorizes the president and the vice president for finance to execute any and all documents necessary to conclude the above. This motion is effective October 13, 1995."
7. Approval of FY97 Operating Budget Request
"The Board of Regents moves the item 'Anchorage Library: Current Periodicals' to 'Fixed Costs'. This amendment is effective October 13, 1995."
"The Board of Regents adopts the FY97 operating budget request as presented in Reference 10 and amended during the Committee of the Whole meeting of October 12, 1995. This motion is effective October 13, 1995."
8. Approval of FY97 Capital Budget Request
"The Board of Regents moves priority item #27 'SFOS Juneau Fisheries Accreditation Needs' up to priority #8 and renumbers all remaining priorities accordingly. This amendment is effective October 13, 1995."
"The Board of Regents adopts the FY97 capital budget request as presented in the revised Capital Budget handout discussed and amended during the Committee of the Whole meeting of October 12, 1995. This motion is effective October 12, 1995."
9. Approval of Technical Corrections to Board of Regents' Policy and University Regulation
"The Board of Regents approves the technical corrections made to Board of Regents' Policy 04.10.07 and University Regulation 04.10.05 as contained in Reference 12. This motion is effective October 13, 1995."
10. FY97 Tuition Recommendations
"The Board of Regents defers until its February 1996 meeting, action for setting tuition rates for the academic year beginning in summer 1996, thus providing additional time for student discussion and testimony as well as time to gather better information regarding FY96 enrollments and tuition revenues. This motion is effective October 13, 1995."
11. Approval of Honorary Degrees and Meritorious Service Awards
"The Board of Regents approves the list of nominees for honorary doctoral degrees and meritorious service awards, as proposed, for commencement exercises in the spring of 1996, and authorizes Chancellors Gorsuch, Lind and Wadlow to invite the approved nominees and announce their acceptance. This motion is effective October 13, 1995."
12. Approval of Academic Degree Recipients
"The Board of Regents approves the list of degree recipients for the summer and fall of 1994 and the spring of 1995. This motion is effective October 13, 1995."
13. Ratification of Naming of UAF Natural Sciences Building Lecture Hall
"The Board of Regents ratifies the naming of the UAF Natural Sciences Building lecture hall as 'Pearl Berry Boyd Hall.' This motion is effective October 13, 1995."