April 22-23, 1993 Summary

Board of Regents


Board of Regents' Meeting
April 22-23, 1993
Juneau, Alaska


"The Board of Regents approves the resolution of appreciation recognizing the invaluable service and dedication of Robert F. Williams to the University of Alaska. This motion is effective April 23, 1993."


"The Board of Regents approves the resolution of appreciation recognizing the invaluable service and dedication of Marsha A. Hubbard to the University of Alaska. This motion is effective April 23, 1993."


"The Board of Regents, in accordance with Policy 01.01.02(D.2) and 01.01.02(F.2), designates its June 3, 1993 meeting as its annual meeting for the purpose of electing officers of the Board. This motion is effective April 23, 1993."


"The Board of Regents repeals, effective at such time as House Bill No. 148 (HB 148) of the 1993 Alaska Legislature becomes law, the Board of Regents' Grievance Policy, Policy 04.08.08, and any amendments to that Policy adopted prior to the date HB 148 becomes law, and at that time, Policy 04.08.08 be replaced by the document labeled "Draft Grievance Policy" and dated October 22, 1990, as the interim grievance policy until such time as the Board of Regents, having received the advice and recommendation of the University of Alaska General Assembly, can approve a successor grievance policy with the expectation that such action will occur at the June 1993, meeting of the Board of Regents.

The Board of Regents repeals, effective at such time as HB 148 of the 1993 Alaska Legislature becomes law, the Board of Regents' September 10, 1991, amendments and any subsequent amendments adopted prior to the effective date of HB 148, to the exclusive review processes of the University of Alaska Anchorage Policies and Procedures Relating to

Appointment, Review, Promotion and Tenure; the University of Alaska Fairbanks Regulations for the Evaluation of Faculty: Initial Appointment, Annual Review, Reappointment, Promotion, Tenure and Sabbatical Leave; and the University of Alaska Southeast Policies and Procedures Regarding Faculty Evaluation of Regular Faculty, and that at such time the provisions of the exclusive review processes for the respective procedures as originally approved by the Board of Regents be reinstated.

This motion is effective April 23, 1993."


"The Board of Regents amends its Bylaws, in the manner indicated in Reference 9 of the Committee of the Whole Agenda, to establish a nominating committee of the Board composed of three Board members to be appointed by the President of the Board in January of each year and to recommend a slate of officers to the Board of Regents at its annual meeting. This motion is effective April 23, 1993."


"The Board of Regents directs the administration to present to the Board at its June 1993 meeting a proposed amendment to the Board of Regents' Honorary Degree Policy to provide an opportunity for regent involvement in all phases of the honorary degree nomination process and to provide for a pool of regent-approved candidates for future honorary degree awards. This motion is effective April 23, 1993."


"The Board of Regents approves the nominee for Meritorious Service Award as proposed, for commencement exercises in the Spring of 1993, and authorizes Prince William Sound Community College President Jo Ann C. McDowell to invite the approved nominee and announce his acceptance. This motion is effective April 23, 1993."


"The Board of Regents amends the University of Alaska Grievance Procedure, Policy 04.08.08; the University of Alaska Anchorage Policies and Procedures Relating to Appointment, Review, Promotion and Tenure; the University of Alaska Fairbanks Regulations for the Evaluation of Faculty: Initial Appointment, Annual Review, Reappointment. Promotion, Tenure and Sabbatical Leave; and the University of Alaska Southeast Policies and Procedures Regarding Faculty Evaluation

of Regular Faculty in the manner indicated in Reference 11 of the Committee of the Whole agenda. This motion is effective April 23, 1993."


"The Board of Regents approves the certificate program in rural human services at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. This motion is effective April 23, 1993."


"The Board of Regents approves the extension of the delivery of the Master of Education degree by the University of Alaska Southeast to the Yukon Territory, in cooperation with Yukon College and the Yukon Teachers Association. This motion is effective April 23, 1993."


"The Board of Regents approves the deletion of the baccalaureate program in humanities at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. This motion is effective April 23, 1993."


"The Board of Regents approves the schematic design of the University of Alaska Fairbanks Gruening Building Exterior Patching and Walkway Repairs as presented and authorizes the university administration to bid and award a construction contract within available funding. This motion is effective April 23, 1993."


"The Board of Regents approves the schematic designs of the University of Alaska Fairbanks Code Corrections in Patty, Chapman, and Geist Museum Buildings as presented and authorizes the university administration to bid and award construction contracts within available funding. This motion is effective April 23, 1993."


"The Board of Regents approves the schematic design of the University of Alaska Fire Code Compliance project as presented

and authorizes the university administration to bid and award a construction contract within available funding. This motion is effective April 23, 1993."


"The Board of Regents approves the schematic design of the University of Alaska Anchorage Lucy Cuddy Renovation project as presented and authorizes the university administration to bid and award a construction contract within available funding. This motion is effective April 23, 1993."


"The Board of Regents approves the consultant selection for the University of Alaska Anchorage Aviation Technology Building Design as presented and authorizes the university administration to negotiate and award a contract. This motion is effective April 23, 1993."