
Board of Regents


Board of Regents' Meeting
December 3-5, 1992
University of Alaska Anchorage
Anchorage/Girdwood, Alaska

1. The meeting was called to order at by President Williams at
8:44 a.m.

Regents Present:

Robert F. Williams, President

Morris Thompson, Vice President

Susan A. Stitham, Secretary - arrived 10:30 a.m.

Mark Helmericks, Treasurer

Virginia W. Breeze

Eric Forrer

Sharon D. Gagnon

Joseph Henri

Michael P. Kelly

Tim Lamkin

Lew Williams, Jr.

Jerome B. Komisar, Executive Officer and President of the University of Alaska

Regents Absent:

Morris Thompson absent December 4-5

In Attendance:

Donald Behrend, Chancellor, University of Alaska Anchorage

Marshall Lind, Chancellor, University of Alaska Southeast

Joan Wadlow, Chancellor, University of Alaska Fairbanks

Beverly Beeton, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, UAA

William R. Kauffman, Vice President and General Counsel

Luis Proenza, Acting Vice President for Academic Affairs & Research

Wendy Redman, Vice President for Government Relations

Brian Rogers, Vice President for Finance

Jim Lynch, Controller and Associate Vice President for Finance

Gerald Neubert, Assistant Vice President and University Architect

'Nanne Myers, Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs

Patty Kastelic, Executive Director for Human Resources

Lois Hildenbrand, Vice President, General Assembly

Mary Kauffman, Regents Affairs Officer

2. Adoption of the Agenda

"The Board of Regents unanimously adopted the agenda as presented.

1. Call to Order

2. Adoption of the Agenda

3. Approval of the Minutes

4. Revision of Regents' Nondiscrimination Policy

(Public comments will be accepted approximately 8:45 a.m.)

5. Chancellors' Status Reports

6. Administrative Status Reports

7. General Assembly Report

8. University Organization Reports

a. Presentation by UAA Native Students/Indigenous Study Center


10. Executive Session

11. Honorary Degrees & Meritorious Service Awards

12. Finance, Facilities, and Land Management Committee Report

a. Deferred Maintenance Funding Initiative and Amendment to the FY94 Capital Budget Request

b. Report on Other Committee Activities

13. Presentation by External Auditors

14. Consultant Selection for UAA Diplomacy Building Space Partitioning and Renovations

15. Consultant Selection for UAF Elvey Building Addition

16. UAS Sitka Campus Pilot Housing Project

17. Amendment of the FY94 Operating Budget to Provide for a Graduate Program in Social Services

18. Industrial Security Resolution

19. Regents' and Presidents' Comments

20. Report from Board of Regents' Representatives on

the Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education

21. Other Items of Concern to the Board of Regents

(It is expected that the Board of Regents will recess at approximately this point to reconvene on Friday,
December 4, 1992, at 9:00 a.m. at the Alyeska Resort, Girdwood, Alaska, for the balance of the meeting.)

22. Board of Regents' Retreat

23. Adjourn

This motion is effective December 3, 1992."

3. Approval of the Minutes

Regent Henri moved, seconded by Regent Helmericks and passed unanimously that:


"The Board of Regents approves the minutes of the October 2, 1992 Board of Regents' meeting. This motion is effective December 3, 1992."

4. Revision to Regents' Nondiscrimination Policy

Vice President and General Counsel Kauffman provided a summary of the development of this agenda item. At the April, 1992, meeting of the Board of Regents, Regent Lamkin raised the subject of a proposal from the students of the University of Alaska Anchorage urging the Board of Regents to modify its policies to include sexual orientation as a protected category. At that time the Board directed the General Counsel to provide to the Board those policies which would need to be amended if sexual orientation is to be included as a protected classification. Subsequently, in June the Executive Committee of the General Assembly considered this item and endorsed the recommendation. The original proposal, however, contains language which is not part of the Board policy. Kauffman advised that the statement that was amended to include sexual orientation is the general UAA nondiscrimination statement included in its publications.

Reference 2 as included with the agenda would amend bylaw and Policy 01.01.04 and Policy 04.03.02 to include sexual orientation in the nondiscrimination statements. Vice President Kauffman stated that this is a contemporary issue; many colleges and universities in the nation have been dealing with this issue over the course of the last decade. He indicated that there are about six states that have included statutory protection based on sexual orientation, the first of which was Wisconsin in 1982. He said that many colleges and universities have moved to the incorporation of sexual orientation in their protected categories. He stated that there are essentially two issues associated with this issue. One is that of individual rights, that is how individuals are treated. The second is that of marital rights that might flow because of some legally recognized relationship. Vice President Kauffman noted that there is no law in Alaska recognizing same sex marriages. He said that the issues before the Board are largely those related to individual rights. There is no federal or state law protecting sexual orientation. An argument can be made that sexual orientation is protected by the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment; but the Supreme Court has yet to rule on the question. Vice President Kauffman said that commentators on the subject suggest that to the extent that it is protected by the equal protection clause, it is only with respect to what is called a "rational basis analysis", which in the structure of the Fourteenth Amendment is the lowest of the various analyses.

He continued by observing that Policy 04.03.01 appears as a part of the employment section of the University of Alaska's policies, but yet it also includes equal educational opportunity. Kauffman said the University has rolled all the policies dealing with equal opportunity into one and has also combined affirmative action elements as a portion of it. The second proposed policy amendment has been included only as to the portion of the policy statement relative to nondiscrimination. It has not been added to several other places where it might seem fit simply because many of those statements are also talking about affirmative action obligations. He pointed out that there is no affirmative action obligation with respect to sexual orientation as there is for example for sex, race and disability.

Following Vice President Kauffman's comments, the Board accepted testimony from the public. The following individuals testified in favor of the amendment: Linda Imle, Carol Hoshiko, Kimberlee Moore, Jaime Rodriguez, Katie Hurley, Monique O'Sullivan, Linda Lazzell, Dawn Rowe, Jacqueline Buckley, Geno Daly, Diana Serepian, Ralph McGrath, Mark Tumeo, Dale Ketcherside and Celeste Johnson. The following individuals spoke in opposition to the amendment: Paul Anthony, Mary Anna Hunstiger, Joanne Swanner, David Allen Dunlap, Karrie Pavish, Steve Pavish, Ty Harper, Jason Kauff, Bob Denam and Sol Gerstenfeldt.

After hearing approximately one hour and forty five minutes of public testimony, Regent Lamkin moved, seconded by Regent Stitham that:


"The Board of Regents amend Policy 01.01.04 and Policy 04.03.01 in the manner set forth in Reference 2 of the Agenda for the Board of Regents meeting of this date with the additional amendment of the deletion of the phrase 'pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,' in line #12 of subsection B of Policy 04.03.01. This motion is effective December 3, 1992."

Regent Gagnon then proposed a substitute motion to refer the question to committee, and at that time the committee could develop a policy that would address the common good for the University's nondiscrimination policy. In the interim the Board would reaffirm its stand against discrimination or harassment of individuals in the University of Alaska.

Following the second of Regent Henri, considerable discussion occurred. The question was called and the motion failed with Regents Gagnon, Henri, Kelly, Thompson and L. Williams in favor and Regents Breeze, Forrer, Helmericks, Lamkin, Stitham and R. Williams opposed.

After additional discussion, Regent Henri raised a point of order as to the timeliness of the notice of the proposed by-law change. Under Policy 01.01.05 notice of a proposed by-law change must be given to the secretary fourteen days prior to consideration. The secretary is to then immediately transmit the proposed change to members of the Board.

After further discussion, Regent Lew Williams moved to table the matter until the February meeting. The motion was seconded by Regent Henri. It failed, with Regents Gagnon, Henri, Kelly, Thompson and L. Williams in favor and Regents Breeze, Forrer, Helmericks, Lamkin, Stitham and R. Williams opposed.

President Williams then ruled Regent Henri's point of order appropriate and stated that the item does not conform with the Board's policy regarding the fourteen-day notice. President Williams stated that additional notice would be required for a future Board meeting. There was no discussion on the Chair's ruling.

Following a brief recess, Regent Breeze moved to reconsider Regent Gagnon's prior motion to refer to committee. The motion was seconded by Regent Stitham and passed unanimously.

After further discussion, Regent Gagnon moved, seconded by Regent Henri and passed unanimously that:


The Board of Regents moves to refer amendments to Policy 01.01.04 and Policy 04.03.01 to the Human Resources Committee and asks that it also consider other amendments to the Board's Equal Employment and Educational Opportunity policies and reaffirms its policy that prohibits discrimination and/or harassment of individuals in the University of Alaska. This motion is effective December 3, 1992."

5. Executive Session

Regent Thompson moved, seconded by Regent Helmericks and passed unanimously that;


"The Board of Regents goes into executive session in accordance with the provisions of AS 44.62.310 to discuss matters relating to litigation and land acquisition/use, these topics being subjects the immediate knowledge of which would have an adverse effect on the finances of the university; and honorary degrees and meritorious awards, this topic being a subject which might tend to prejudice the reputation and character of a person or persons. The session shall include members of the Board of Regents, President Komisar, Vice President and General Counsel Kauffman, and such other university staff members as the President may designate and shall last approximately one hour. Thus, the open session of the Board shall resume in this room at approximately 1:30 p.m. A.S.T. This motion is effective December 3, 1992."

The Board of Regents went into executive session at 12:30 p.m. and returned to public session at 2;55 p.m.

Board President Williams then announced that the Board of Regents just concluded an executive session in accordance with AS 44.62.310 discussing matters regarding litigation and land acquisition/use, these topics being subjects the immediate knowledge of which would have an adverse affect on the finances of the university; and honorary degrees and meritorious awards, this topic being a subject which might tend to prejudice the reputation and character of a person or persons. The session lasted approximately 2.5 hours.

6. Chancellors' Status Reports

Chancellor Donald Behrend reported on a proposal to the U.S. Agency for International Development to create a Technical Assistance Center for Market Economy (TACME) at the University of Alaska Anchorage; progress on reforming UAA's budget development process; nominees for the Truman Scholarship; the first place Aurora Award for Crisis Management and second place Aurora Award for Promotional Activity, received by the Office of University Relations from the Alaska Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America; and the groundbreaking ceremony for the new classroom addition for Mat-Su College.

Dr. Behrend commended Prince William Sound Community College President Jo Ann McDowell for her efforts in maintaining the current level funding support from the City of Valdez. The Valdez city Council was impressed with PWSCC's new initiatives, including expansion of vocational education programs and efforts at cost control.

UAA Student Senators Marge Edais and Tony Martin along with Chancellor Behrend presented a certificate of appreciation to student Regent Tim Lamkin for his support and service to the 1992 Alaska Statewide Leadership Conference.

A certificate of appreciation was also presented to Vice President Wendy Redman for enlightening the students on legislative and budgetary issues.

Chancellor Wadlow reported that UAF has been engaged in Total Quality Management (TQM) over the last year in the Administrative Services Department, under the leadership of Vice Chancellor Mike Rice. The purpose of the program is to achieve better productivity, provide better service to all users and to make better use of available resources. Chancellor Wadlow said there have been successful in many ways, including more expeditious processing of purchase orders with fewer errors and in the case of personnel, here are more services being offered by fewer people. UAF is extending TQM to Admissions and Records beginning in February under the leadership of Director of Admissions and Records Ann Tremarello. The goal is to improve service to all students in the areas of admissions and registration to the final issuance of the degree.

Chancellor Wadlow announced that faculty members James Johnson and Kathleen Butler-Hopkins and Bruno DiCecco were invited to give a concert at the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC; Art Department Head Bill Brody won the National Harper Award of Excellence in Drawing; English Department Head Peggy Shumaker has been selected president of the Associated Writing Program, Physics Professor Lou-Chuang Lee received an editor's citation for excellence for his outstanding work in Space Physics Journal; Brian Barnes received a five-year research career development award from NIH for approximately $400,000; Tim Tilsworth and Mark Tumeo have received a major National Science Foundation grant for oil spill testing in Antarctica.

Chancellor Wadlow also spoke of the enthusiasm at UAF for the basketball and hockey teams and a fundraising event involving "The Tradition Stone".

Chancellor Lind reported on a cooperative agreement with Yukon College of Whitehorse where UAS will soon be providing a master's of education degree program at the Yukon Territory school; the grand opening ceremonies of the new Curriculum Library; and the annual Tuxedo Junction Scholarship Fundraiser.

Chancellor Lind also reported that UAS and Director Barbara Minton will receive $60,000 in grant money over the next three years as part of a federal grant project administered by the University of Florida. The Alternative Residential Treatment study hopes to improve services for children and adolescents who have serious emotional disorders. Alaskan adolescents in residential treatment homes will be interviewed through the state as part of the program.

7. Administrative Status Reports

Vice President Brian Rogers reported that the general revenue bond issue had just been sold. The University's bond counsel is currently drafting legislation to the Finance, Facilities and Land Management Committee's work for a maintenance bond issue through Alaska Housing Finance Corporation. He stated that the University has received from the Department of Law the land parity legislation which will give the University of Alaska parity with other universities in the country. The bill draft would allow the University to select up to five million acres of vacant, unappropriated, unreserved land or lands that have certain existing activities on the i.e. leases, timber contracts, mining claims or materials sales. The legislation would provide that the University would own the mineral estate as well.

8. General Assembly Report

General Assembly Vice President Lois Hildenbrand reported to the Board that significance progress has been made on two important issues - benefits and governance structure. She requested the Board's support in lobbying the Governor and legislature for funds to offset the rising health care costs and aggressively enter into debate about a solution to the health care cost crisis facing all Alaskans.

9. University Organization Reports


Regent Lamkin introduced Anchorage students from the Native Student Organization who addressed the Board relative to their request for an indigenous study center. The following students addressed the Board: David Henson, President, Native Student Organization; Susan Hoch, Vice President, Native Student Organization; Janice Schroeder, Chair, Coalition on Native Higher Education; Shirley Kendall, resource teacher in Indian Education with the Anchorage School District; and Mary Reeve, student representative, Chancellor's Task Force on Native Higher Education and former student regent. The Board then devoted approximately one hour to receiving testimony from UAA Students. The students advocated the establishment of an indigenous study center separate from minority student services. The students distributed two resolutions in support of their position from the 1992 Annual Convention of the Alaska Federation of Natives, Inc. Following question and answers from Board members to the presenters, and discussion among members of the Board, Regent Henri asked the students provide to the Board a brief list of their recommendations. Regent Thompson thanked the students for bringing forth specific items for its review. Regent Stitham expressed an interest in getting a clear set of prioritized issues the students would like the University to act on.

Chancellor Behrend stated that no decisions have been made on space proposals and stressed the importance of having everyone involved working from the same base of information.


Tim Tilsworth, President of the University of Alaska Fairbanks Faculty Senate presented two motions on behalf of the Faculty Senate endorsing the recommendations of the Senate Ad-Hoc Committee on Health Benefits.

UAA Assembly President Carol Hoshiko spoke on behalf of the UAA Benefits Task Force and presented two resolutions which were passed by the UAA Assembly Executive Committee.

Bonnie Jack, a meeting planner with Alaska Meeting Planners, addressed the Board concerning unfair competition with the private sector. After some discussion, President Williams referred this matter to the Finance, Facilities, and Land Management Committee for further discussion.

Sol Gerstenfeldt then appeared and addressed the Board on the delay in the public comment period.

June Degnan, a teacher at Service High School and Co-Chair of the Chancellor's Task Force on Alaska Native and American Indian Education. She stated that she went before the legislature during its emergency session and discussed the need for an indigenous study center. Many Alaskan natives are looking towards the development of a center for indigenous studies at the University of Alaska Anchorage. She stated that the task force is slowing moving forward and want to development a lot of different ideas. She spoke of the high regard this group has for the help they have received from the Affirmative Action Office and Chancellor Behrend. Ms. Degnan informed the Board that the task force would be presenting a strategic plan for the study center. It will be provided to the Regents individually upon completion.

Patrick Riley, a clinical social worker and Vice President of the Alaska Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers spoke in support of the MSW program. She stated that she had to obtain her MSW out of state because it was not offered in Alaska. She indicated that there are many others who have left the state in order to obtain their graduate education and have returned to practice in Alaska. She said there have been at least 150 inquiries over the past three years from individuals seeking to obtain this degree. She stated that offering this program would be beneficial not only to Alaskan residents but also to potential students and clients in need of services. She expressed her belief that this program would be beneficial to the University not only in expanding the educational perspective that this degree would bring but also in possible additional revenue sources, i.e. research dollars available under Title IVE, Child Welfare, the Institutes of Mental Health, Aging and Substance Abuse. She spoke of recent federal legislation that has reauthorized the range of educational and training programs for health and allied health professionals through Title VII of the Federal Public Health Service. It specifically authorizes funding for schools of social work to support graduate education in areas of health administration, hospital administration and health planning and mental health practice.

Eileen Lindau and Marge Edais, both graduates of the BSW program, also advocated for the MSW program

11. Approval of Honorary Degrees & Meritorious Service Awards

Recommendations submitted by the University of Alaska Fairbanks for recipients of honorary degrees were bound separately and included in regents' agenda packets for their review prior to the December 3-5, 1992, Board meeting.

Regent Stitham moved, seconded by Regent Breeze and passed with Regent Henri opposing that:


"The Board of Regents approves a list of nominees for honorary doctoral degrees and meritorious service awards, as proposed, for commencement exercises in the spring of 1993, and authorizes Chancellor Joan Wadlow to invite the approved nominees and announce their acceptance. This motion is effective February 26, 1993."

12. Finance, Facilities and Land Management Committee Report

(a) Deferred Maintenance Funding Initiative and Amendment to the FY94 Capital Budget Request

At its meeting on November 16, 1992, the Committee considered a recommendation from Regent Lew Williams for the advancement of the schedule for the University's correction of a significant portion of the deferred maintenance problems. Regents Henri, Kelly and Williams then met with the Governor's staff gaining support for the Committee's recommendation.

Regent Henri moved, seconded by Regent L. Williams and passed unanimously that:


"The Board of Regents shall explore with the Hickel Administration the feasibility of state issuance of bonds through the Alaska State Housing Authority to pay all or part of the costs of remedying deferred maintenance at University of Alaska facilities. The Board of Regents believes this action would solve or substantially reduce the university's deferred maintenance problems in a timely, cost-effective manner which would benefit the state's economy. If the ASHA bond proposal is adopted by the Legislature and the Governor, the Board of Regents amends its FY94 Capital Budget Request to eliminate $33.7 million in deferred maintenance projects reducing the request from $107,025,000 to $73,288,000. This motion is effective December 3, 1992."

(b) Report on Other Committee Activities

Regent Thompson reported that the Finance, Facilities and Land Management Committee met at the Chukchi Campus of the University of Alaska Fairbanks. He expressed how appreciative the people at the campus were to have the Committee meet at their facility. Chancellor Wadlow presented the Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award to several Chukchi students while the Committee was in Kotzebue.

13. Presentation by External Auditors

Vice President Brian Rogers postponed most of the financial statement presentation because of the limited time. He indicated that a full presentation would be made during the fund accounting workshop at the February meeting in Kodiak.

Dave McCambridge, audit partner for KPMG Peat Marwick, the external auditors for the University of Alaska, informed the Board that they have completed their examination on the financial statements and issued an unqualified opinion which will be included in the financial statement packet. He also thanked the Regents for engaging Peat Marwick to perform the audit. He said that Peak Marwick has been the auditors for the University for 12 years and stated that the University is viewed to be one of their flagship clients.

14. University of Alaska Diplomacy Building Space Partitioning and Renovations - Approval of Consultant Selection

The University of Alaska Diplomacy Building Space project will complete the partitioning of the open space of building into tenant layouts for University programs. A portion of this building, in an amount up to 40 percent of the usable square footage, has been identified for interim use by non-University leasing tenants. Construction improvements for these lease holders will be accomplished upon lease execution, and ongoing lease improvements will be accommodated over the years as leases terminate and new ones are executed. The selected consultant may be used to do these future projects, as well as any needed renovation projects.

In order to respond to tenant needs in a timely manner, a second motion is recommended. This second motion will authorize schematic designs and authorize University of Alaska Anchorage administration to bid and award improvement projects for commercial tenants within the building.


BOR Approval, Consultant Selection December 1992

Design Start January 1993

BOR Approval, Biding and Construction February 1993

Bid Opening April 1993

Construction Starts May 1993

Project Completion December 1993


The cost for the first phase of space partitioning is $750,000. Cost of future projects will be determined by tenant needs.


A Request for Proposal for design services and preparation of construction documents has been issued. Proposals are due November 16, 1992.

A selection committee has been appointed by the Southcentral regional director and will evaluate proposals received November 16, 1992.

Regent Henri moved, seconded by Regent Forrer and passed unanimously that:


"The Board of Regents approves the consultant selection for the University of Alaska Anchorage Diplomacy Building Space Partitioning and Renovations project as presented and authorizes the university administration to negotiate and award a consultant contract. This motion is effective December 3, 1992."


"The Board of Regents authorizes the University of Alaska Anchorage administration to approve schematic designs and grants University of Alaska Anchorage administration authority to bid and award contracts for space renovations for non-university, lease-paying tenants in the Diplomacy Building. This motion is effective December 3, 1992."

15. University of Alaska Fairbanks Elvey Building Addition - Approval of Consultant Selection


The University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute has requested the preparation of planning design documents for a major building to be built adjacent and connected to the existing Elvey building, referred to as Elvey II. A conceptual study was completed under a term contract in April 1992. The study was utilized in attaining a $300,000 state appropriation for the preparation of planning design documents.

The planning design documents will include a written program identifying space requirements, preliminary building plans, and a detailed cost estimate. These documents will be utilized to solicit construction funds from a variety of sources, including federal, state, and private agencies.

The project will be designed to accommodate and expand Geophysical Institute needs, and provide long term lease space for agencies outside of the University. Agencies such as USGS, NASA Space Grant Agency, National Park Service, and the Bureau of Mines have expressed interest in occupying space in this type of facility.

The project will be approximately 150,000 gross square feet with a projected total budget of $40-50 million.

A Request for Proposal was published in September 1992 which identified the project, the scope of work, and the schedule for the preparation of schematic design documents. Proposals were received on September 24, 1992.

Seven consulting teams submitted proposals and all seven were interviewed on October 14 - 15, 1992 at the Office of Facilities Planning & Construction/NR, 910 Yukon Drive, Fairbanks, Alaska.

The selection committee for the Elvey II project are:

Merritt Helfferich, Associate Director of Administration,

Geophysical Institute

Robert Grove, Operations Manager, Geophysical Institute

Charles Davis, Regional Engineer, UAF Physical Plant

James Allan, Project Manager, FP&C/NR

One and one-half hour interviews were conducted with each consulting firm. A standard evaluation form was used to score each consultant team on a variety of qualifications.

Recommended Consultants: (Not Ranked)

Kumin Associates/Kaplin Mclaughlin Diaz

Livingston Slone/Stone Marraccini

McCool Carlson Green/Boor-A Architects


Planning design services will be funded by an FY93 direct capital appropriation of $300,000.


Planning design services, including a construction cost estimate, are currently scheduled for completion by April 1, 1993. Pending securing of funding for construction, we would anticipate bid ready documents within ten months of receiving additional funds, bidding and contracting in two additional months, and thirty months for construction.

Regent Lamkin moved, seconded by Regent Henri and passed unanimously that:


"The Board of Regents approves the list of consultants for the University of Alaska Fairbanks Elvey II as presented and authorizes the university administration to negotiate and award a consultant contract. This motion is effective December 3, 1992."

16. UAS Sitka Campus Pilot Housing Project

The University of Alaska Southeast (UAS) sought board approval for a pilot housing program under a cooperative agreement between the university and the Shee Atika Native Corporation in Sitka. A limited pilot program was initiated for the period August 1 - January 31, 1992, under a lease agreement negotiated by the Statewide FP&C, Educational Real Estate Office. The Sitka Campus and Shee Atika, Inc. propose to extend that agreement through August 31,1993.

During this period, UAS will undertake the management plan described below. A needs assessment will then be conducted. If a continuing housing partnership between the university and Shee Atika appears beneficial to both parties, the needs assessment and a continuation proposal will be presented to the Board.

UAS is of the opinion that this pilot project exemplifies the direction provided in Regents' Policy 06.03.00 that "joint ventures and creative solutions may be sought in order to provide cost effective solutions to housing system demands."

Background & History:

Recently, Shee Atika, Inc. purchased the property in downtown Sitka formerly operated as the Sheffield Hotel. It consists of ground floor commercial space and three residential floors. Shee Atika, which also owns the hotel property managed by Westmark in Sitka, approached both Sheldon Jackson College (SJC) and UAS regarding a cooperative educational housing project. Because the building cannot be remodeled for married student apartments, SJC did not pursue the offer. Discussion with UAS proceeded, resulting in the attached interim agreement.

As the agreement describes, Shee Atika has undertaken extensive exterior renovation, including new siding, windows, and roofing. Simultaneously, the Shee Atika architect has completed a plan for interior renovation; this work is scheduled to be completed in January 1993. The interior renovation relevant to university usage includes: (1 ) reconfiguration of first floor entry areas to provide a registration lounge and controlled access to residential floors; (2) construction of kitchens on two of the three residential floors (one kitchen per three rooms); and (3) modification of two rooms per floor, as well as common areas, to meet ADA requirements. Plans for these renovations have been reviewed by the university's regional architect. These renovations involve no cost to the university.

During the construction project, UAS has limited its use of the facility. However, as of November 1, usage has included 30 days/conference housing and 42 days/visiting faculty housing. Seven full-time students with special housing needs were accepted for the balance of the fall semester.

University Housing Management:

The UAS Sitka Campus proposes to use the housing facility for three types of activities: (l) conferences, institutes, and workshops sponsored by the university either for academic credit or for continuing education purposes; (2) academic programs and training co-sponsored by the university with educational partners; and (3) student housing for full-time UAS Sitka Campus students. Housing policies and fees are modeled on those established at the UAS Juneau Campus.

This broad management plan is perceived positively in the community as offering significant opportunity for educational and economic benefits locally and regionally. The proposed housing partnership has been reviewed and endorsed by Sitka's legislative delegation, the campus and regional advisory councils, and municipal officials (see attachments).

Illustrative programs being planned for the Spring-Summer pilot period include the Northwest Coast Native Art Program and a Geriatrics Conference in January; an Outdoor Education Conference and a Logging Safety Institute (grant-funded) in March; and a series of short continuing education workshops. At the start of the FY92 semester, approximately 25 requests for academic student housing were declined by the Sitka Campus, pending completion of the building renovation. The Campus does not anticipate a large number of mid-year requests but, if authorized to extend the existing agreement, will accommodate those full-time students who remain on the active waiting list. Educational partners that have expressed interest in shared programs during the pilot period include the Alaska Marine Safety Education Program, the Southeast Alaska Regional Health Corporation/University of Washington Physician Assistant Program, and the Alaska Fine Arts Institute.

Cost/revenue arrangements with Shee Atika are described in the attached lease agreement. In summary, Shee Atika has assumed responsibility for all utility and maintenance costs. Furniture, linens, and kitchen appliances are being provided by Shee Atika. The university is responsible for janitorial and security costs. Revenues are shared between the campus and Shee Atika on a 50/50 basis, with no minimum revenue required to be generated.


Chancellor Lind's recommendation that the pilot project be undertaken is based upon the following considerations:

1. The Sitka Campus has increased its FTE enrollment from 266 students in November, 1991 to 303 students in November, 1992, a pattern of growth that has been sustained for the past several years.

2. The Sitka Campus has undertaken a vigorous and successful continuing education program and expanded its programs in professional and workforce training, which are of increasing interest to a regional audience.

3. The Sitka Campus is characterized by its partnering educational relationships with Mt. Edgecumbe and the Sitka School District, Sheldon Jackson College, the Public Health Service, the Alaska Public Safety Academy, the Sitka Native Education Program, and an array of non-profit agencies with educational missions. Each of these, and other partners have been invited to explore ways that the housing facility may further strengthen our shared programs.

4. The Sitka Campus offers or co-sponsors several programs unique in the university system, including the Law Enforcement Certificate Program and a new two-year curriculum in Health Information Management for Medical Records Technicians. These programs generate housing needs for students outside the local community, as does the Outreach Program in Southeast Alaska which is provided by the Sitka Campus. Additionally, the campus is a cooperating partner, with SEARHC and the University of Washington, in the Alaska Physician Assistant Project; this program requires housing in Sitka for 12-15 full-time students.

5. All of the above described educational efforts have led to a demand for affordable housing which exceeds supply. Existing educational housing in both Sitka and the Southeast region is filled to capacity. In Sitka, both Sheldon Jackson College and Mt. Edgecumbe dormitories are filled; the City and Borough Planning Department indicates that local rentals are essentially non-existent. On the Juneau Campus of the University of Alaska Southeast, approximately 40 Fall 1992 applicants could not be housed and, consequently, did not register. The extension of the existing agreement with Shee Atika allows for significant expansion of supply with little cost and minimal risk to the university.

6. This low risk/low cost period will enable UAS to further develop its programs to a point where UAS can be more confident in long-term demand and thus enter into a longer term agreement, which would be more beneficial to all parties.

UAS is not requesting funding for housing, nor does it expect to make such a request in the future. It does, however, seek an endorsement from the Board that it is proceeding in the right direction with its attempts to develop this creative solution and also to extend the agreement with Shee Atika through August 31, 1993. If all goes well and there is a desire to enter into a longer term agreement, UAS will bring the required analysis and feasibility studies to the Board in June 1993. No Board action was requested or taken.

17. Amendment of the FY94 Operating Budget to Provide for a Graduate Program in Social Services

Assistant Vice President Nanne Myers addressed the Board relative to the request for approval of a graduate program in social services. She stated that at the October meeting, the Board requested that the administration explore the possibility of UAA providing a master's of social work. She stated that if the Board is interested in going forward with this effort, approval is sought to amend the FY94 Operating Budget to ask for the necessary funding now and bring an updated proposal to the Board for approval later in the spring. She stated that this is not a program for which funds could readily be provided by reallocation.

Approval was sought to amend the budget request to seek an appropriation from the General Fund/Mental Health Trust to support a graduate program in social work.

After a period of discussion, Regent Stitham moved, seconded by Regent Forrer and passes with Regents Forrer, Henri, Lamkin, Stitham, Thompson and L. Williams in favor and Regents Breeze, Gagnon and R. Williams opposed that;


"The Board of Regents approves amendment of the FY94 operating budget request to seek an appropriation of $460,600 from the General Fund/Mental Health Trust to support a Masters of Social Work Program at the University of Alaska Anchorage. This motion is effective December 3, 1992."

18. Industrial Security Resolution

The President and selected members of the university administration are routinely designated by the Board of Regents to handle any duties and responsibilities relating to classified information in connection with contracts with the Department of Defense and other federal agencies. These individuals are given an extensive security screening and are the only members of the administration, including the Board of Regents, to have access to classified information. The university has received similar security clearances since the mid-1950s. Execution of the resolution allows regents and other members of the administration to be exempted from security clearance procedures.

A change was made in the previous resolution to add the name of Dr. Luis Proenza and remove the name of Dr. George Christensen.

Regent Thompson moved, seconded by Regent Stitham and passed unanimously that:


"The Board of Regents approves the adoption of the security clearance resolution as presented in Reference 6 providing for designation of a managerial group as described in the 'Industrial Security Manual for Safeguarding Classified Information for the purpose of handling all duties and responsibilities relating to classified information. This action is effective December 3, 1992."

19. Regents' and Presidents' Comments

Regent Forrer spoke of his recent trip to Ketchikan and commented on the enthusiasm of the people and observed the work that had been done over the summer.

Regent Gagnon suggested that the Regents review the handout Trustees & Troubled Times in Higher Education prior to the start of the retreat.

Regent Stitham reviewed the issues currently before the Academic and Student Affairs Committee. She also expressed her concern that the nondiscrimination issue not become an endless issue and noted her hope to have recommendations from the Human Resources Committee in February. Regent Stitham said she hoped that this would not be the last official meeting with the regents whose terms were about to expire, but if so looked forward to engrossing the two of them.

Regent Thompson spoke of the Finance Committee's trip to Kotzebue and the tour of the Red Dog Mine. He also expressed his appreciation for the parking pass he received from UAF.

Regent Lamkin thanked Regent Gagnon and the Ad-Hoc Committee for a very insightful assessment. He thanked the Board for its generous indulgence of including the Native Students presentation. He reported on the Student Leadership Conference where the students focused on such thing as tuition and broadening the communication with the branch campuses. It was attended by students from all over the state. Regent Lamkin spoke about the upcoming legislative forum where Anchorage students will gather with the House Finance members to voice their opinion.

Regent Henri requested the Board obtain name tags to wear to various functions.

Regent Breeze stated that she looked forward to the Board's retreat.

21. Other Items of Concern to the Board of Regents

a. Change in Board of Regents February 1993 Meeting Date

A request was made by Regent Kelly to change the dates of the February meeting from February 18-19 to February 25-26, 1993.

Regent Thompson moved, seconded by Regent Lamkin and passed with Regent Stitham opposing that:


"The Board of Regents approves a change in the Kodiak meeting dates from February 18-19, 1993 to February 25-26, 1993. This motion is effective December 3, 1992."

The Board recessed at 6:45 p.m.

22. Board of Regents' Retreat

President Williams reconvened the meeting at 9:07 a.m. on Friday, December 4, 1993, at the Alyeska Ski Resort with Board of Regents President Robert Williams presiding. In attendance were: Regents Helmericks, Breeze, Gagnon, Henri, B. Williams, Stitham, Lamkin, L. Williams, Kelly, and Forrer and University President and Board of Regents Executive Officer Jerome B. Komisar. Other staff in attendance were: Chancellors Behrend, Lind and Wadlow, Vice President and General Counsel William Kauffman, Vice President Wendy Redman, Vice President Brian Rogers, Acting Vice President Luis Proenza, Assistant Vice President Nanne Myers, Assistant Vice President Jerry Neubert, Executive Director Patty Kastelic, and Regents' Affairs Officer Mary Kauffman.

It was moved by President Williams and seconded by Regent Helmericks that the Board of Regents suspend Policy 01.02.01 concerning the maintenance of an audio recording of the Board meeting for the balance of this meeting. The motion was carried unanimously.


"The Board of Regents suspends the application of Policy 01.02.01 providing for the maintenance of audio recordings of Board of Regents meeting for the balance of this meeting. This motion is effective December 4, 1992."

The Board then viewed a video produced by the Association of Governing Boards of Colleges and Universities entitled Perspectives on Trusteeship.: Board Responsibility in Public Higher Education. Following the presentation, the Board focused on three main questions: (1) What should the University of Alaska look like in three years?; (2) What types of action needs to be taken to get there?; and (3) What types of information (data) does the Board need to get where it wants to go? Each Regent expressed his/her "vision of the retreat" which included statements concerning among other things visions and goals for the University, impediments to achieving the goals, University mission and institutional missions; methods of instructional delivery designed to improve the University, programs of the University - those that are offered and those that are not; funding sources; human resources; Board effectiveness; and how to make the retreat the most effective.

At the invitation of President Williams, President Komisar then followed the comprehensive discussion of the Board with a presentation demonstrating the growth of the University and the demands of the services provided by the University. He stressed that with the increased demand and existing resources, there will be a need to increase productivity. After considerable discussion as to specific aspects of the growth and individual expressions of areas of need, the parties arrived at seven givens:

1. The University's student population is growing and will continue to grow.

2. The University is not overreacting to the increase in demand.

3. There is an increased demand for degrees.

4. Vocational-technical education has a low profile and should be raised.

5. There is a need for increased higher education and industry cooperation.

6. There is a growing proportion of full-time native students in the 18-25 age range.

7. A decision has to be reached as to whether the University is to be a multi-missioned institution, including whether there is to be specialization.

Following a noon recess, the Board resumed its retreat with the President and each of the chancellors talking about the mission or missions of the University and providing their perspectives as to how successful they have been in meeting their respective institutional missions. Following the comments of the chancellors, the Regents shared their views of what the strengths of each of the campuses are.

Following additional discussion, President Komisar discussed data reflecting University productivity and addressed the question of methods to enhance institutional productivity.

Vice President Rogers then presented a detailed report on University revenues which also included an explanation of responsibility center budgeting. Following more discussion of budgetary issues and methods of increasing accountability, the Board recessed at 8:00 p.m.

On Saturday, December 5, 1992, The Board of Regents and President Komisar resumed the informal retreat. The session started with a discussion of the Board Trustees' Audit, led by Regent Gagnon.

The Board directed President Komisar to develop specific charges to the campuses and the statewide administration expressing the Board's expectations for the future direction of the University and directed him to present them to the Academic and Student Affairs Committee at its February meeting in Kodiak. The Board also requested that the President arrange for a presentation on the facilities plan for statewide and each campus.

The Regents then identified areas of focus for the coming year. The Human Resources area was listed as a high priority in terms of training of administration/management and identifying and removing barriers to inter- and intra-campus cooperation among various personnel. The Board indicated that it would like a clear, unified focus on this area from statewide providing the campuses the appropriate expertise and support and providing a uniform "quality control" in significant personnel decisions.

The Board also discussed the setting of the agenda. It expressed the opinion that committees should be involved in long-range planning of issues which in turn then set the general Board agenda. The Board advised of its desire for more input in the setting of the agenda through the president of the Board. The Board's executive committee will report back to the Board with a plan for agenda setting.

The Board then expressed its interest in having the University of Alaska Foundation present a brief report as a regular part of each meeting, starting with an orientation to the Foundation.

The subject of Board development was then addressed as the Board discussed the desirability of sending Regents to the Association of Governing Boards' workshops as opposed to holding its own workshops in Alaska. The Executive Committee will report to the Board with a recommendation for systematic Board inservice

The Board discussed the following definition as a guiding "mission statement":

The University of Alaska is a comprehensive, multi-mission single university with three main campuses, accessible to all Alaskans, which delivers high quality instruction, research and public service efficiently and innovatively.

The Board requested the administration bring back plans/models which implement the "mission" with quality, unity and efficiency. This may mean reducing the sites where instruction is produced and increasing the sites where it is received, which implies a vigorous exploration of new delivery methods.

The Board expressed its desire for the University to help define the Native problems for the state and specifically the role of the University in seeking solutions, as well as focusing on the issues raised by Native students about the quality of their life in the University. It indicated its desire to involve Native corporations and Native leaders in accomplishing this objective. The Board expressed an interest in meeting with the Alaska Federation of Natives Board at some future date. There was also a suggestion to hold a Board meeting in one of the villages.

The Board then requested that President Komisar develop a policy statement about the University's encouragement of ties with business and industry and of sound, lawful resource development and present it to the Finance, Facilities and Land Management Committee. Interest was also expressed in seeing the University expand the "ISER approach" to industries beyond basic research. Interest was expressed in facilitating entrepreneurial efforts in basic environmental research.

The Board indicated a great interest in increasing the amount of teaching provided by the faculty and in giving the faculty the opportunity to suggest ways this could be accomplished that would preserve the Board's commitment to quality, as well as efficiency. The Board also expressed its desire for more data and information on the respective costs of administration and faculty for each of the major units of the University. The Board encouraged strategic planning efforts at each campus similar to those underway at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

The Board stated its belief that a unified university, such as the University of Alaska, requires a clear quality focus without stultifying control from a statewide center.

23. Adjourn

The Board of Regents adjourned at approximately 3:45 p.m.