August 21, 1992 Summary

Board of Regents


Board of Regents' Meeting

August 21, 1992

Anchorage, Alaska

1. Revision to Regents' Policy 04.05.08 - Retirement System Eligibility


"The Board of Regents approves the proposed revision of Regents' Policy 04.05.08 to include reference to the university's Optional Retirement Plan and to eliminate the exclusion of foreign nationals from participation in the university's retirement programs. This motion is effective August 21, 1992."

2. University of Alaska Fairbanks Research Support Center


"The Board of Regents authorizes the administration to proceed with the planning and design of the research support center, issue an RFP, and expend proceeds from the University of Alaska General Revenue Bonds 1992, Series A, in an amount not to exceed $200,000 for the planning and RFP phase of the project. This motion is effective August 21, 1992."

3. Authorization of Bond Sales


"The Board of Regents authorizes President Komisar, Vice President Rogers, and Associate Vice President Lynch to perform all acts necessary to issue general revenue bonds to refinance currently outstanding debt which can be refinanced or defeased at a net present value savings to the university and to issue general revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $6.8 million for the following projects:

UAF Housing System Bond Refinancing $5.0

UAF Telephone System Upgrade .6

UAA Housing System Facilities and Land Acquisitions 1.2


This motion is effective August 21, 1992."

4. Cordova Subdivision Development


"The Board of Regents approves the subdivision and sale of the university's Whitshed Road property in Cordova and authorizes the administration to negotiate and execute all necessary documents for the development and sale of this property. This motion is effective August 21, 1992."

5. Wrangell-St. Elias National Park Headquarters Site


"The Board of Regents authorizes the administration to conclude negotiations and execute all necessary documents for the sale of property to the National Park Service. This motion is effective August 21, 1992."

6. Land Transfer to City and Borough of Sitka for Park Site


"The Board of Regents authorizes the administration to transfer, at fair market value, Lot 3, Lot 4, and Tract C of the Silver Bay Subdivision to the city and borough of Sitka and to execute all necessary documents to complete this transaction. This motion is effective August 21, 1992."

7. Requested Modifications to Board of Regents' Schedule


"The Board of Regents approves changing the location of the December 1992 meeting from Kotzebue to Girdwood, Alaska and modifying the December 1992 meeting date from December 3-4 to December 3-5, 1992. This motion is effective August 21, 1992."


"The Board of Regents approves changing the date of its June 1993 meeting from June 3-4 to June 10-11, 1993. This motion is effective August 21, 1992."


"The Board of Regents waives Regents' Policy 01.01.02F(4)B. regarding the seven-day requirement for distribution of agenda materials for the June 1993 Board of Regents' meeting. This motion is effective August 21, 1992."