March, 2024

ASMP has been awarded a Legislative Citation honoring the program and its 20 years of existence.

Nov. 3, 2023

ASMP Celebrated its 20th Anniversary, with previous mentors, mentees, current mentors and staff, leaders from Alaska School Districts, the UA system, AK-DEED Commissioner, and the Teacher of the Year. Read more in the Cornerstone story.

Dec. 11, 2023

ASMP was awarded a $14.9-million grant from the U.S. Department of Education and Innovation Research. Read more in the Cornerstone story that was published December 11th, 2023.

April 5, 2023

ASMP Early Career Teacher duo coaches students in the Native Youth Olympics Bethel Invitations
Mentor Abby Augustine's ECT's, Ty and Emma Shoemaker have been coaching a team in spite of running water challenges at the Tuluksak school this winter. Read or listen to this KYUK story.

March 25, 2023

ASMP referenced in NPR story relating to teacher shortages and how to address them.
This story is a preview to an upcoming story reporter Cory Turner will share about the importance of mentoring, and the exemplary model offered by Alaska's own ASMP.

October 14, 2022

Former ASMP Early Career Teacher (ECT) has been named Alaska Teacher of the Year
Harlee Harvey, Point Hope teacher at Tikgaq School has been named Alaska Teacher of the Year. Ms. Harvey is a former Early Career Teacher, mentored under ASMP by previous mentor, Kirstee Willean, from 2014-2016. Read more about Harlee in this article in the Arctic Sounder.

October 10, 2022

Former ASMP Early Career Teacher (ECT) has been named Barrow Teacher of the Year
Nicholas Evans, former ECT of Mentor Hal Neace, was named Barrow Teacher of the Year, in Utqiaġvik. We are excited for Nicholas and look forward to future years of collaboration!

October 10, 2022

Former ASMP Mentor named Superintendent of Hoonah
Former Mentor, Heather Wheeler (2008-2010) has been named Superintendent of Hoonah
Schools.  You can read her Superintendent Message on their website.


heather wheeler
Photo: ASMP photo archives.

October 10, 2022

Galena City School District partners with ASMP
Galena City School District was the final district in Alaska to join the ASMP mentoring team. We are excited to be working with them and look forward to partnering with them and offering our trained support for their new teachers!

December 1, 2021

ASMP, bolstered by the new STARR grant, will be hiring more Mentors
The deadline to apply is February 1, 2022.  Download the flyer, and go to the ASMP website Contact page for more information and for the application.

February 14, 2021

ASMP in the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner for receiving $8 million award from the Department of Education
The article appeared in the February 14th Sunday paper. For access to the entire article, it is still in the Cornerstone Archives, or you may also read it here.

Fall 2019

Previous mentor Susan McIntosh named Program Manager
Longtime mentor Susan McIntosh has been named Program Manager for ASMP. She will be taking over the helm and Dr. Littlebear will assume an advisory position for the project. We are happy to have her join the K-12 Outreach/ASMP team.

February 21, 2018

ASMP Noted in Education Northwest Blog
Another testimony as to the effectiveness of ASMP mentoring in Alaska: How a Teacher Mentoring Project in Alaska Gets Results by Phyllis Ault.

September 2017

i3UGO Research Results: Mentoring Matters
Findings from a five-year study of the Alaska Statewide Mentor Project returned with promising results. The takeaway is that mentoring makes a difference. Read the summary of results (PDF). For the full report, please contact us to fill out a brief form, and we will send it to you.

May 2017

Districts Begin Partnership with ASMP
ASMP would like to acknowledge the districts that recognize the importance of our services. These districts feel mentoring is so essential, they have decided to partner with us and contribute funding toward mentors for their districts. Thank you to these districts: Chugach, Iditarod, Kake, Lake & Penninsula, Lower Kuskokwim, Nome, North Slope Borough, and Yukon-Koyukuk. Thank you for investing in education.

February 2017

ASMP Staff attended the New Teacher Center Symposium
ASMP Project Manager Jan Littlebear, and K-12 Outreach Director Glenda Findlay, attended the National Professional Learning Network hosted by New Teacher Center, in California. This event was also attended by the Alaska Director of Educator and School Excellence, Bob Williams.

NTC Conference
ASMP team Jan Littlebear (Program Manager until 2019), Glenda Findlay (K-12 Outreach Director), Ellen Moir (founder and CEO of NTC) and Bob Williams (Alaska Director of Educator and School Excellence), at the NTC Symposium.



Dr. Janice Littlebear named as ASMP Program Manager
Previous mentor and cultural knowledge advocate, Janice Littlebear has been named Program Manager for the ASMP project. Dr. Littlebear was one of the founding mentor cohort for ASMP. Her longtime knowledge will be an asset for the project.

More ASMP In the News
Veteran teachers fly across Alaska to mentor those new to the job — Alaska Daily News  (if you don't have access to ADN, article is here).
Teachers get lessons from the experts — (this article may have expired)
Supporting Teachers: Mentors on Mentors — from