Mentor Biography
Renée Helie
Renée received her BA from Western Washington University, Bellingham, Washington and her MA from Alaska Pacific University, Anchorage, Alaska. She has worked as a classroom teacher, primarily in the intermediate elementary grades, in the Anchorage School District since beginning her teaching career. She became a teacher expert for Anchorage School District in 2011, primary working with pre-service and beginning career teachers and ASD curriculum initiatives. As a parent, professional and student herself she understands the complex task of balancing your professional and personal life. When she needs to clear her thoughts, you will likely find her outside skiing, biking or just walking her dogs.
"My personal philosophy is to love what you do and do what you love. My passion as a life-long learner is what excites me about teaching. As a mentor I get the opportunity to pass this enthusiasm on, while gaining personal growth from what these new educators bring to the table."