Mentor Biography

Maureen Petrunic


Maureen began her career in education in 1970 after graduating from Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois with a BS in Ed. The Air Force brought her and her husband to Anchorage in 1972 where she taught for State Operated Schools and then the Anchorage School District. She also completed her Masters in Reading degree from UAA. Throughout her 33 years of teaching, Maureen taught various elementary school grades and Math and Reading in Middle School. She also taught Reading classes at UAA.

In 2012, Maureen became a UGO Mentor in ASD with the Alaska Statewide Mentor Project. She now enjoys building strong relationships with new rural teachers using Distance Delivery. All Alaska children deserve to have a great teacher! Supporting early career teachers as they reflect on and improve their practice is very rewarding.


"I am pleased to be able to share in the life of a new career teacher. I look forward to encouraging and supporting his/her growth so that as skill building happens, s/he will catch the joy and reward of making a difference for children."