Mentor Biography
Fanny Parker
Fanny received her teaching education at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks. She has over 16 years of teaching experience in the Southwest Region School District at Togiak School, where she has taught high school English, middle school, and kindergarten. She is currently pursuing a M.A. in reading, and has expertise with teaching English, grades 7-12, and Yupik cultural norms. In addition to teaching, Fanny is a Native artist who specializes in basketry, beading, and carving.
"I think the most valuable contribution teachers make is teaching lifelong skills that will be utilized by students in their jobs or career. I believe the best teachers are successful, positive, and willing to share their wealth of knowledge openly. I am looking forward to learning, along with the participating teachers, about best practices in education, and making an impact in a student's life so s/he can be all that s/he can be."