Mentor Biography

Cindy Lou Aillaud

Cindy Lou

Cindy Lou Aillaud has been a teacher in Auburn, WA, Arctic Village and Delta Junction, Alaska. She has been a classroom, special education and/or physical education teacher for 24 years. Her honors and awards include traveling to Japan on a Fulbright Memorial Fund Scholarship, being one of 39 DisneyHand Teachers in 2004, one of 20 2006 USA Today Teachers and the Alaska Elementary Physical Education Teacher of the year. Cindy Lou recently retired from the Delta/Greely School District.

Cindy Lou is the author/photographer of the award-winning book, Recess at 20 Below. She continues to live in Delta Junction, AK and has traveled to schools all across the globe encouraging kids to write their own stories. Cindy Lou is a contributing author of the book Today I Made a Difference and is about to release another title.

Cindy Lou feels that being a part in ensuring that every child in our state is given the best possible education from a competent, confident and enthusiastic teacher is the greatest tribute to the world's most important profession. She is excited to collaborate with new teachers in guiding them to discover their strengths in creating a learning environment where students achieve mastery of subject matter and become contributing global citizens.