Mentor Biography

Beth Hartley



In 1978 I graduated with a double BA in bilingual/bicultural and elementary education with minors in Spanish and theater. On the heels of graduation, I took a job for 6 years with Harrison School District in Colorado Springs as a bilingual teacher in third and then second grade. During that period, I earned my Master's in bilingual/multicultural elementary education from the University of Northern Colorado. Taking a hiatus from full time teaching, I attended the University of Colorado Boulder to complete my Ph.D. in Social and Multicultural Foundations of Bilingual Education, subbing for Boulder Valley schools as I studied. Then I moved to Yakima, Washington to work for the Migrant Education Regional Office providing bilingual/ESL instructional and program support for school districts in the region. Overcome by the eastern Washington heat, I jumped at the chance when a similar job opened with Interface Multifunctional Resource Center in Anchorage. Alaska was a natural fit as I enjoy the adventure of traveling and working around the State. When grant funding ran out, I accepted a job as an Elementary Bilingual Resource Teacher with the Anchorage School District where I served as a K-12 bilingual/ESL classroom teacher, an elementary and then middle- school ELLP specialist, teacher, staff coach and mentor. I used to say that 3rd grade was my favorite grade level, but now I think that middle school students are a blast! I'm very excited to extend my work as an Alaska State Mentor.

Finally, I say thank you to all the students I have known, from all the places and classes, who have taught me more than I ever thought possible. I look forward to repaying you (in a good way) by leaving ever better teachers, for you, in my wake.