People of UA 2014

Photo of Larry McGrady

I'm a Senior Support Center Analyst at the OIT Service Desk where I help people in person or on the phone from all over the state of Alaska. If you're on sabbatical, studying abroad or just vacationing in Russia, Sweden, England, Chili, "just to name a few" or even Hawaii, we can assist you with most of your computer and systems related problems.

The “senior” in my title is not for being old. At least that is what they tell me, I have a couple more years before I'm legally declared a senior.

I had always wanted to come to Alaska, ever since a friend in high school came up for a summer and worked on the pipeline with his Uncle. My family and I arrived here on Aug 17, 1989, on our daughter’s 2nd birthday, and we loved it. We stayed here after I got out of the Air Force. Alaska is unique and the seasons can go quickly from one extreme to another. I never get tired of the view of the different mountain ranges; they are painted different colors each sunrise and sunset.

I had my first taste of computers in the military and I knew this was what I wanted to learn and work with. I earned my degree in Micro Computer Support from TVC, when it was still located on 2nd avenue at the Downtown center. I started working at the University with Statewide in July of 2001 and have stayed since then due to the people I work with here at the University.

The learning for this job never stops, there is always something new to learn. I enjoy helping people to solve their computer or systems-related problems, which we all face from time to time. The learning curve can be steep for new students, faculty and staff. Facing a lot of new programs at once, like Blackboard, Google Apps and logging into computers, etc. is challenging and I hope I can make it a little easier for those who call or stop by.

In the Shaping Alaska’s Future initiative, the theme that relates to my job and how I approach my work is Theme 1: Student Achievement and Attainment, Effect B - Students experience UA as accessible, efficient and transparent in all areas. I support this effect by helping students to gain access to and use the different resources the University offers so they can learn, study and complete their degree.


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