
Travel and Hire Restriction FAQ

FAQs for Travel Restrictions

Why are we restricting travel?

The State of Alaska, our single largest source of revenue, is facing a $3.5 billion budget deficit and has imposed strict restrictions on travel. It is prudent for the university to support fiscal responsibility while at the same time ensuring that travel that is essential for our faculty and staff to serve our students and our research and outreach are maintained.

When are the travel restrictions effective?

Travel that occurs on or after February 1 , regardless of when reservations were made.

Who is affected?

All University employees traveling on unrestricted funds.

Who is not affected?

Employees traveling on restricted funds. Restricted fund (Fund 2) travel should proceed as normal.

Is the restriction just for out-of-state travel?

No. This restriction is for in-state, out-of-state and international travel.

What is “essential travel?”

Essential travel will be determined by the Chancellor/Vice Chancellor/Provost (depending on the travel destination) or the President/Vice President. Examples of essential travel include travel on official business related to obtaining new grant funding, as well as travel associated with fundraising, recruitment and enrollment activities and outreach.

Travel by regular faculty directly associated with instructional responsibilities and/or participation in professional conferences/workshops fulfilling requirements for promotion and tenure may be deemed essential.

Who will determine if travel is essential?

President, Chancellor or Vice President/Vice Chancellor/Provost as outlined in the President’s memo will be required for all travel for their employees.

What if out-of-state travel is mostly paid for by an organization (90 percent) but the university is required to pay a conference entry fee or a hotel room? Would that be allowed?

All costs associated with travel are included. As such, incurring hotel or conference fees are included under the travel restriction.

Can I travel out-of-state to get continuing education credits to maintain my credentials for my job?

Obtaining continuing education credits will be an important consideration of the Chancellor/Vice Chancellor/Provost or President/Vice President in their determination if the travel is essential. Their determination will likely depend on whether or not such credits are available in-state or on-line.

How will new travel approvals be accommodated through Travel and Expense Management (TEM)?

First, before entering the travel authorization into TEM, it may be advisable to contact the respective Vice Chancellor/Vice President/Provost to determine if the travel will be approved.� In TEM, the respective Vice Chancellor/Vice President’s Banner ID [SNXXX] will need to be entered as an approver by selecting “Approve and add approver” after all other supervisor(s) have approved.

How should reauthorization for travel already approved but not completed be accomplished?

Reauthorization is applicable for travel occurring on or after February 1 . Do not re-route the travel through TEM. Rather, contact your travel office for a list of pending travel that has been approved, and secure documentation of approval by the appropriate approver. If any previously authorized travel is denied, contact your travel office for guidance on how to release it in TEM, and the related encumbrance.

FAQs for Hiring Restrictions

Who is affected?

All positions funded wholly or partially funded by unrestricted funds are subject to review and approval as outlined in the President’s memo.

What if a position is partially grant funded?

Only fully funded grant positions are exempt. Split funded positions (i.e. grant and unrestricted) are subject to review and approval.

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