Announcements January 2016
- Staff Make Students Count Nominations Open
- UA College Savings Plan helps sponsor KidsDay
- Freedom from Smoking
- SAA Highlights: Jan 21
- Green Dot Training Scheduled for Statewide Staff
- President Johnsen will meet with Statewide Staff in February
- 2015 W-2 Available in UAOnline
- On-Site Biometric Events Scheduled!
- Applying for a PFD? Consider a Pick.Click.Give. Donation to UA
- Hinzman named to lead UAF research
- Former UAF French student becomes first Alaska-born US Consul in France
Do you know staff who go the extra mile?
go the extra mile – (idiom):
1. to try harder to please someone or to get the task done correctly
2. to make more effort than is expected of you
Just as it takes a village to raise a child, it takes an army of staff members to guide a student through the labyrinth of higher education. Whether it is going the extra mile to ensure students are able to log into their online class, to being an advocate for student success, staff members are a vital part of higher education.
Do you know a staff member that deserves recognition for going that extra mile?
The Staff Make Students Count Award, established in the spring of 1999, recognizes university staff that have provided outstanding service to students anywhere in the UA system, including campuses and extended sites. Nominations are open for submission through February 12. Please visit the Staff Make Students Count website, www.alaska.edu/governance/staff-alliance/staff-make-students-count/ for more information.
UA College Savings Plan helps sponsor KidsDay
Every year thousands of youth and families enjoy KidsDay which provides a full day of free interactive activities for youth & families in celebration and support of our “kids.”
The event will showcase over 100 youth-serving agencies and organizations. They all will provide activities and valuable information on the services available to all youth and families. In addition, hundreds of talented youth will provide entertainment all day on the KidsDay stage.
Anchorage’s Promise – The Alliance for Youth puts on KidsDay to help youth, parents and community members understand the importance of ensuring that each young person receives the five fundamental resources that they need to allow them to grow into caring adults. We call these the "Five Promises - caring adults, safe places, healthy start, effective education and opportunities to help others."
At KidsDay, exhibitors, performers and activities all work together to increase the understanding of the importance of each promise: safe places for kids, providing a healthy start and future, the value of having a caring adult in the life of each youth, why effective education can ensure that all youth have the skills needed to pursue college, vocational training and the field of work that they are interested in.
This event is free to the more than 20,000 youth & family members that attend the event annually.�
Upcoming UA Scholars Virtual Reception
On� February 2, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. we�will offer a UA Scholars Award Virtual Reception for all Class of 2016 Scholars to be recognized and learn about opportunities available at the University of Alaska. President Jim Johnsen, representatives from each of the three main campuses, and a current UA Scholar will be available to answer questions. This event will be recorded and available later for viewing only. RSVP to the event at�http://goo.gl/forms/ZEr5DxHbyv.
UA Scholar Virtual Reception Webinar
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
Join the conference call. Teleconference #:�1-800-893-8850�PIN: 851 9358
Event Details
- Introduction by Program Administrator, Lael Oldmixon
- UAS Student Speaker, Daniel Piscoya
- University of Alaska President, Jim Johnsen�
- UAA, UAF, UAS Admissions Representatives (presenting short overview of each campus)
- Q&A session
- Class of 2016 UA Scholars (rolling list by community) � �
Freedom from Smoking
Do you want to help others quit smoking?
The American Lung Association will host a Freedom from Smoking� training March 31 and April 1 in Fairbanks. Chief Andrew Isaac Health Center will host the training in the Doyon room. There is a $350 fee and once trained, facilitators agree to host a group for 8 weeks.
Find out more about the program at:
SAA Highlights
From Statewide Administration Assembly Meeting Jan. 21
- The Chief Human Resources Officer Recruitment is proceeding
- Issues that rose from the UA Travel and Hire restrictions where employee's may have purchased later canceled travel for eventual re-imbursement and options for employees and supervisors.
- The Alaska State Legislature 2016 Session has begun and Chris has made his first Capitol Report (https://www.alaska.edu/state/report/)�
- Staff Makes Students Count award nominations are open! To nominate a staff member see the award's web site:�https://www.alaska.edu/governance/staff-alliance/staff-make-students-count/
- The Statewide Transformation Working Team's second meetings are January 28th-29th. See the Transformation Team's website for the leadership of those team:�https://www.alaska.edu/swbir/transformation-team/
- Minutes from the SAA December meeting were approved:�http://alaska.edu/files/governance/2015-12-17_SAA-minutes.pdf
President Johnsen will meet with Statewide Staff in February
President Johnsen will meet with SW staff in February to discuss the budget and address staff concerns. Forums will be held in both Fairbanks and Anchorage so that President Johnsen can meet face to face with staff in both locations. If you prefer not to ask your question in person during the event, you can submit questions ahead of time to oabaker@alaska.edu or feel free to relay your questions through an SAA representative.
Fairbanks forum: February 22 from 10:30am to 11:30am in Butrovich 109
Anchorage forum: February 23 from 2:00pm to 3:00pm in Bragaw 205
Green Dot Training Scheduled for Statewide Staff
Monday, February 1 from 3:00-4:30 p.m.
The Green Dot program is a training system designed to provide people of all personalities a way to help when someone is in need.
According to the Green Dot website, the goal is to prepare “organizations/communities to implement a strategy of violence prevention that consistently, measurably reduces power-based person violence (including sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, child abuse, elder abuse and bullying).
This is important safety training - please take the opportunity to become better informed and capable of stopping violence and sexual assaults by attending the training session.
2015 W-2 Available in UAOnline
UA employees may now access the online version of their 2015 W-2 in UAOnline at https://uaonline.alaska.edu� After you login, select 'Employee Services' and then 'Tax Forms'.
The online form can be printed and submitted to the IRS. For detailed information, please refer to the following URL:
For additional information about your W-2 and contacts for tax forms issued by the University of Alaska, refer to the Tax Information links at the following URL:
A printed 2015 W-2 form will also be mailed (postmarked) to employees by Jan. 31, 2016.� Please allow 1-2 weeks for delivery via the U.S. Postal Service.
On-Site Biometric Events Scheduled!
The University of Alaska is pleased to announce that we will once again offer on-site biometric screenings for all employees, spouses and FIPs who are enrolled in the UA Choice health plan. Those who have not already participated in a biometric screening for this program year (5/1/15—4/30/16) either through your health care provider or at a Quest Patient Service Center location will be able to participate.
The biometric screening will allow you to not only see your numbers and get an idea of your current health, but it will also count as the required biometric portion of this year’s incentive plan. Appointments must be scheduled online and you can access using the link below. All up-to-date information regarding the screening events is also posted on the UA benefit/wellness site. We've also included other options for getting your screening, so check out the wellness page.
Remember, you also have to take the Personal Health Assessment as the other required portion of the incentive program, in addition to the 5 points you can get from a wide variety of activities and preventive exams.
Please Click Here� to access the onsite appointment web site and schedule your appointment.�
Applying for a PFD? Consider a Pick.Click.Give. Donation to UA
The UA Foundation encourages you to Pick.Click.Give. in support of UA. Direct your donation to support the program or scholarship of your choice at UA! Contact our staff at 907-786-1016 or foundation@alaska.edu for more information.
It's easy to log into your PFD application and add a Pick.Click.Give donation! Just visit this link or click on the button below and choose the green "Add a Donation" button.
Thank you, as always, for your generous support of the University of Alaska.
Hinzman named to lead UAF research
Permafrost hydrologist and longtime professor Larry Hinzman has been selected to serve as vice chancellor for research at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
Hinzman has served as interim vice chancellor since March 2015. Hinzman first came to UAF as a research technician at the Agricultural Experiment Station 34 years ago.
“UAF leads the world in Arctic research, and our capabilities extend far beyond the North to include every continent, the world's oceans, the entire atmospheric system, the far reaches of space and deep into the Earth's mantle. Our physical, biological and social scientists, our engineers and our creative artists are renowned both throughout Alaska and nationally and internationally,” Hinzman said. “I am humbled to serve amongst them and to work with UAF's faculty, staff and students to resolve the science, engineering and policy challenges facing our state, nation and world.”� Read MORE
Former UAF French student becomes first Alaska-born US Consul in France
Sarah Harriger a former student and French major became, after passing a very competitive French exam with flying colors, the first Alaska-born US Consul in France! In the article below they state that she graduated from UAF.
Originaire de l’Alaska, Sara Harriger va entrer en fonction � Rennes, en tant que Consul des �tats-Unis pour le Grand Ouest vendredi. Sara Harriger a �t� dipl�m�e de l’Universit� de l’Alaska de Fairbanks en 2004, avant de rejoindre le corps diplomatique du D�partement d’Etat am�ricain en 2006.�