
Web Time Sheet Project (WiTSE) Status Update: September 2012

The Web Time Sheet Project (WiTSE) is currently in phase two of development, including testing the designed software to make certain it works exactly as expected when it is rolled out to exempt (salary) users.

The project has re-engineered payroll processing from start to finish. When information is entered online, the system is doing a number of things in real-time including: providing the employee with payroll information, checking the data the employee enters to help reduce errors, making certain that the employee information meets all state and federal regulations and reviewing automated rules to process the many types of employees at the university. Besides being more convenient, the project will save paper and is an eco-friendly alternative to physical timesheets.

Phase two began in August. A team of human resources professionals from across the system put in information that mimics each type of employee in the system, such as those who teach classes, manage others or are part of the union. The team reviewed all of the instructions and error messages to make certain the writing is clear so that the employee will know exactly what is happening and what to do next.

Feedback from that testing is being analyzed and the team will be discussing any additional changes to the system that will improve the user experience. This is a normal part of new system development and time for these modifications is built into the timeline.

The third round of development testing is slated for the end of September. In October and November, documentation, instructions and training materials will be completed for the pilot groups that will be using the system first. The solution is scheduled to be in full use by the end of March 2013.

In November and December, the pilot for the salary (exempt) process is scheduled to begin for two or more payroll periods. Based on analysis and feedback to the team, updates will be made, additional pilot groups will be added and another two or more payroll periods of testing will occur. This allows time to fully gauge the system’s ease of use and functionality, especially during the holiday season when typically there is a lot of annual leave taken.

The project will be rolled out to all major administrative units (MAUs) in the first quarter of 2013, which will begin with training and the process of moving employees onto the new system.

UA Emergency Management Begins Alert Notification Testing

Coming in October and early November, the UA Emergency Managers will be running a series of UA Alert notification system tests, beginning with the testing of voicemail and text message capabilities. The UA Alert system is “multi-modal,” meaning that if and when an emergency occurs, the university will use the all methods of trying to inform students MORE...

Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) camera installation at the Butrovich building

CCTV cameras are being installed on all Butrovich building entrances. Equipment is on order and installation should be completed by end of October.

“It was a surprise to me that our building didn’t already have these security measures in place “, said Dr. Ashok Roy, Vice President of Finance & Administration/CFO. ��Dr. Roy also mentioned, “Many public and government buildings, grocery stores, city public squares, and even mom-and-pop shops already have security cameras like these.”

The cameras will tie into the existing 24-hour surveillance already in place for ARSC computers that are housed in the Butrovich Data Center. Cameras will only be installed at entrances to the building. Installation of these cameras at each entrance will provide many benefits to the occupants of the building including:

  • Increased physical security/safety for employees and other occupants during the day, evenings and weekends.
  • Enhanced follow-up capability in the event of a security incident.
  • Enhanced security of UA property items, artwork, etc. in the building.

For more information, contact Elaine Main, emain@alaska.edu, 907/450-8026.

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