
Announcements and Recognition

Julie Baecker and Jeannie Phillips celebrate their final days at UA Statewide. Click Photo for more images from their retirement party. Photo by Monique Musick.

Outgoing officer challenges others to match scholarship donation

Outgoing System Governance Executive Officer Pat Ivey donated $1,000 toward the establishment of a need-based scholarship fund through the UA Foundation to be named "The UA Coalition of Student Leaders Alaska Achievers Incentive Program."

Ivey challenges UA regents, the president, chancellors, other executives and university community members to match her donation. The Coalition of Student Leaders is working with the UA Foundation to develop the criteria for the award.

2012 Mandatory Regulatory Safety Training announced

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires employers to train employees in the safety and health aspects of their jobs. These requirements reflect OSHA’s belief that training is an essential part of every employer’s safety and health program for protecting workers from injuries and illnesses. This regulatory training is mandated by State and Federal regulations.

All Statewide Employees, including students, have an obligation to take their offered regulatory training.� The goal is to have all Statewide Employees trained by Aug. 29, 2012.

The Statewide 2012 Regulatory Safety Training includes the following topics:

  • Bragaw Emergency Action Plan
  • Butrovich Emergency Action Plan
  • Electrical Safety
  • Ergonomics & Office Safety
  • Hazard Communication

Regulatory topics will be covered by month, so be sure to register early to ensure a place in the training. Registration and additional information will be available in March. MORE...

Tentative Schedule HERE.

UA Facilities and Land Management issues Public Notice

2012 Spring Competitive Land Sale Public Notice and Ad�� (VIEW)

All comments regarding this competitive sale must be received in writing, at the address below, no later than 5 p.m. Wednesday, March 21, 2012.

All competitive offers must be received at the address below, no later than 5 p.m. on Wednesday, March 28, 2012.

For more information, please visit the UA Facilities and Land Management website at www.ualand.com

University of Alaska
Facilities and Land Management
1815 Bragaw Street, Suite 101
Anchorage, Alaska� 99508-3438

Electronic timesheets for non-exempt employees are coming

The roll-out of web timesheet entry for all non-exempt employees is under way at each regional campus. Related instructions, reference documents,and short demos of the entry process for employees and timsheet approvers are available on the Web Timesheet Entry (WTE) page.

Raiser's Edge Training Scheduled for March 8th at UAF

A series of Raiser's Edge trainings will be offered on the UAF campus on March 8th. These trainings will serve to expand and refresh Raiser's Edge user's knowledge. All Raiser's Edge users are encouraged to attend and bring their questions.

Training topics will include: Raiser's Edge basics and best practices; Found.Help: What can it do for you?; basic queries and exports in Raiser's Edge; customizing the Raiser's Edge interface/setting up your dashboard.

All Raiser's Edge users will receive information via e-mail about the location and times for these classes early next week. If you don't receive this e-mail and are interested in attending or simply have questions, please contact Arista Hageman at the University of Alaska Foundation at 786-1377 or arhageman@alaska.edu.

Nominations for Outstanding Awards Close March 9

The Statewide Administrative Assembly, SAA, will accept nominations for 2011 Outstanding UA Statewide Department and Employee Peer Awards through March 9, 2012.

Official rules and requirements: RULES
Nomination Form: FORM

These awards annually recognize employees and departments who consistently contribute to the University of Alaska System by carrying out the responsibilities of their jobs in an exceptional manner. Employees may nominate their coworkers for employee and departmental awards by submitting a nomination form. One award each will be given to an outstanding department, student, non-exempt and exempt employee.

The winners will be announced during this year's longevity and peer awards event, set for 2 p.m. April 24 in Butrovich 109 and BOB 205. In addition to the peer awards, the event will recognize the commited service of Statewide employees. Please reserve the date and join President Gamble and SAA at an ice cream social to recognize the hard work and dedication of all System staff.

Nominations open for new SAA members

Are you interested in becoming involved in System Governance? If you believe you or a co-worker would make a good candidate for the Statewide Administration Assembly submit a nomination today to sysaa@email.alaska.edu using subject header "SAA nomination."

OIT planning learning technology forums for MAUs

The Office of Information Technology is developing a plan for future use of technology to facilitate teaching and learning. We are interested in input from students and faculty on their experiences and the importance they place on a variety of technologies for teaching, learning and personal productivity.

This March we will hold a series of IT forums with faculty and students.� These sessions will seek input on the future direction of this kind of technology within the UA system.

The first sessions will be held at the University of Alaska Southeast Juneau Campus during the following times:

Student Learning Technologies Forum
Thursday March 1 from 3-4 p.m.
Glacier View Room (221)

Faculty Learning Technologies Forum
Thursday March 1 from 4:30-5:30 p.m.
Glacier View Room (221)

In December we surveyed UA faculty and students on their current use of teaching and learning technology and on their opinions about the best way to use this technology in the future.� We used two survey instruments -- one for faculty and one for students. The student survey instrument is very similar to one that has been used by the Educause Center for Applied Research (ECAR) in a large national survey.� Use of this instrument will allow us to compare UA results with ECAR's national results.� The faculty survey instrument, on the other hand, has been developed specifically for use by UA faculty. You can find survey results here:

UA Faculty Survey Results
UA Student Survey Results
ECAR Survey Results

We have confirmed the UAF and Rural Campus Forums during the following dates/times:

Rural Campus - March 5, 2012
1-2 p.m. - Faculty Learning Technologies Forum
3-4 p.m. - Student Learning Technologies Forum

Fairbanks - March 6, 2012
1-2 p.m. - Faculty Learning Technologies Forum
3-4 p.m. - Student Learning Technologies Forum

The Anchorage forums are not yet confirmed.

UA Health Link

Keep up-to-date on current wellness benefits and be inspired by healthy lifestyle tips through the UA Health Link. This online newsletter provides monthly updates on IHP programs, wellness breaks, current incentive programs and more. If you missed this month's issue, read it HERE.

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