
Your Shot Photos

Photos submitted by statewide staff.

Commencement Joy

Kate Ripley celebrates earning her master's with her three children; from left, Rory, Rachel, and Robin.
Rebecca Holte, daughter of Anne Holte, earded her Bachelor of Science in Psychology this year. Photo by Anne Holte
A crowd mingles outside the Carlson Center during the 2011 commencement celebration. Photo by Anne Holte

Summer is here at last!

Photos by Monique Musick

Violets in bloom
Chokecherry blossoms beginning to burst
Jacob's Ladder and honeybee
Calypso orchids
Alder cones
Birch and blue sky

Do you have great photographs you would like to share with others?

From vacation photos to your own backyard, the Office of Public Affairs is pleased to bring "Your Shot" to everyone at Statewide.

If you missed the deadline for this issue, send us one and you can have a chance to be featured in our next issue. All submissions should be sent to mmusick@alaska.edu. The� Statewide Voice �is published the last Wednesday of each month.

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