

Fall colors in Denali State Park. Enjoy the photographs of your co-workers every month in the Your Shot gallery. Photo by Monique Musick

Statewide Staff Campaign 2010

Supporting Alaska's Promise

The 2010 Statewide Staff Campaign wrapped up this morning in Anchorage and Fairbanks. This year’s campaign focused on fully endowing funds that have been building toward the endowment level. Thanks to the commitment of our generous staff, many funds are a bit closer to that goal.

At the campaign wrap up celebration, President Gamble expressed his great appreciation for staff who continually give of themselves, day in and day out. MORE

UAS Appoints New Dean of Arts and Sciences

Dr. Marsha Sousa has been appointed new Dean of Arts and Sciences at the University of Alaska Southeast. She comes to UAS from the University of Alaska Fairbanks Community and Technical College, where she served as Associate Dean. MORE....

UAF announces new vice chancellor

Mark Meyers has been selected to be the new vice chancellor for research at the Univcersity of Alaska Fairbanks, replacing Buck Sharpton. Myers said he hopes to work with the UAF research community to enhance interdisciplinary research opportunities and internal communications. Myers will begin his new position Jan. 24, 2011. MORE....

Board of Regents' Meeting

UAS student Ricky Tagaban speaks in favor of PITAAS, Preparing Indigenous Teachers and Administrators for Alaskan Schools. Photo by Kate Ripley

The tuition discussion at the Sept. 23-24 Board of Regents' meeting drew attention across the state.� In the end, the board decided not to adopt an additional increase for the 2011-2012 academic year and delayed action on the 2012-2013 rate until the November meeting. Regents also approved a resolution supporting the new Alaska Career and Technical Education Plan. MORE.....

President Gamble's "Event Request Form"

President Gamble's website now offers a new feature to help UA units across the system when requesting his participation in events or functions.

The "Event Request Form" is a button on the left-hand side of the web page at www.alaska.edu/pres. The form provides space to enter event details such as the date, description, contact information, and other matters. The form is geared for internal MAU and Statewide departments to use, and serves as a helpful planning tool for the president's office as well. Groups external to the university are not required to complete this form, but are welcome to do so if they'd like.

President Gamble accepts many invitations, but he does sometimes have to decline an invitation due to conflicting priorities. The Office of the President attempts to accommodate requests that support the university's mission. The president's executive assistant, Dianne Milke, is the first stop if you have questions regarding President Gamble's schedule or availability to participate in an event or function. Dianne may be reached at dmilke@alaska.edu or by calling 907/450-8009. Thank you!

Events process changes

There are hundreds of public events on held on the UAF campus each year. University Advancement, in coordination with other departments, has been working for a while to revise the process in an effort to ensure that every event hosted is safe and successful. Statewide employees should be aware of the following changes to the UAF events process:

1) Events information page -- http://www.uaf.edu/events/
This informational page provides an entry point for all public events. It's accessible from the Events tab at www.uaf.edu. In addition to the UAF events calendar, the page also has information for event planners and information for community members.

�2) New events calendar -- http://www.uaf.edu/events/
Located on the events information page, the UAF events calendar, now in Google, includes 19 sub-calendars, which can be added to your own Google calendar based on your interests. To subscribe to individual events calendars, click on the Google button at the bottom of the event page and choose the event type you are interested in."

3) Improved events form -- http://facilities.alaska.edu/uaf/events/eventform.cfm
A form must be completed for every public event held on campus. This step provides the UAF events committee with necessary information to review and approve public events and to provide support, which helps to ensure a positive experience for all. The events committee is responsible for making sure that all UA and UAF policies and procedures as well as state and federal regulations are followed. The new form automatically populates the calendar eliminating the need for a second form.

4) Restructured events committee
The events committee has been restructured to include the UAF Fire Department, Environmental, Health, Safety and Risk Management, the UAF Police Department, OIT, Dining Services and several areas in Facilities Services including transportation, grounds crews, labor, and custodial with coordination by University Advancement. The structure provides behind-the-scenes support and gives schedulers more time to deal with their specific areas.

For additional information please contact Cheri Renson at cheri.renson@alaska.edu.

New study measures impact of community campuses

The McDowell Group recently released a report on the social and economic impacts of UA’s 13 community campuses, which together serve nearly 13,000 students across the state. UA’s community campuses awarded 700 degrees and certificates during the year of the study; two-thirds were associate degrees (two-year degrees) and just over 30 percent were certificates.

The economic impacts of the community campuses, including payroll and campus spending in numerous towns, are significant.� UA’s community campuses together employ about 1,140 people across the state with a combined $54.7 million payroll. Total direct spending by the campuses of $82 million created an estimated $39 million in indirect economic activity, resulting in a total economic activity of nearly $121 million.

The report highlights the importance of “place-based education,” or delivering education to students where and when they need it. Click to download and read the REPORT.

Emergency Preparedness Month

The University of Alaska Emergency Management department had a busy September. The department� celebrated Emergency Preparedness Month and established new initiatives for the coming year,� including support and funding from the Department of Homeland Security and a number of drills, training and events during campus safety week at UA campuses. MORE.....

UAF tests emergency notification system

UAF conducted its second annual test of the campus emergency alert system on Sept. 22.

At 1:40 p.m., an alert message was issued by the UAF Emergency Communications Center. The alert was sent using Nixle for text messages, Alertus for computer pop-ups, digital signage, loudspeakers, webpage, email, voicemail and some informal notification mechanisms.� While conducting a test in the midst of a workday can be disruptive, it was imperative the test occur under realistic conditions.

At the end of the test, participants were asked to complete a survey to determine the test's effectiveness. Over 700 students, staff and faculty have participated in the survey so far. Many of participants reported receiving notification via multiple mechanisms. The initial results indicate that 38 percent of the participants received an intrusive computer pop up on their computer, 28 percent received a text message, and 20 percent heard the loudspeaker announcement.� Survey responses are still coming in.

Statewide employees interested in taking the survey may go to:

If you're interested in registering for Nixle’s text-based notification alerts, go to:


UA Land Management Public Notice

UA Land Management issued the following public notices:

Land Sale Public Notice & Ad (Click to view)
All comments regarding competitive sales and leases must be received in writing, at the address below, no later than 5 p.m. Oct. 8. All comments regarding over-the-counter sales must be received in writing, at the address below, prior to the acceptance of an offer.

All competitive offers must be received, at the address below, no later than 5 p.m. Nov. 1.

University of Alaska Gakona Developement and Disposal Plans (Click to view)
Parties interested in commenting on the Gakona Development and Disposal Plans must submit
written comments to the University of Alaska at the address below, by no later than 5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 8.

For more information, please visit the UA Land Management website at www.ualand.com.

UA Land Management
1815 Bragaw Street, Suite 101
Anchorage, Alaska 99508-3438

Legal reminders and notifications

Political Activity
Please download the PDF "Partisan Use of Resources" regarding impermissible partisan political activities conducted during work hours or using university resources.

"Clery Act Compliance"
The Campus Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990, as amended, (known as the “Clery Act”) requires that colleges and universities publish an annual campus safety report, distribute the report to all students and employees, and inform prospective students and employees about the report. The report contains descriptions of campus policies and programs relative to campus security and statistics concerning specific types of crimes.

The purpose of the act is to inform students and employees of the incidents of crime and the policies and procedures to prevent crime or to report occurrences of crime at institutions of higher education. The law is also designed to encourage the development of security policies and procedures and to establish uniformity in reporting of crimes at all such institutions.

The information required by the law, as well as additional information relating to campus safety and security, can be found on the UAA, UAF and UAS web sites at the following locations:

Persons who desire a paper copy of these reports will be provided one upon request by contacting:

UAA—Dean of Students Office, 3211 Providence Drive, Student Union, Room 204, Anchorage, Alaska, 99508. Phone (907) 786-1214; email aydos@uaa.alaska.edu.

UAF—Dean of Student Services Office, 514 Gruening Building, Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-6340. Phone (907) 474-7317. fyses@uaf.edu

UAS—Dean of Students Office, 11120 Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska 99801. Phone (907) 796-6000.

Information on sex offenders may be obtained through the State of Alaska Department of Public Safety link at: http://www.dps.state.ak.us/Sorweb/sorweb.aspx

UA presence on Facebook

Social media is a rapidly growing means of communication and outreach. If you are on Facebook we would like you know about some of the different UA departments, campuses and groups that you can join.

University of Alaska System

UA College Savings Plan

University of Alaska Fairbanks

UAF Community and Technical College

Freddie Fish (FAFSA Frenzy)

University of Alaska Museum of the North

University of Alaska Anchorage

There are many more out there for specific colleges, student groups, bookstores and more. Please take a moment to become a "Fan" of the University of Alaska and put another great avenue of communication at your fingertips.

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