

UAF Chancellor Brian Rogers announces the Calvin J. Lensink Estate gift of $650,000 in support of Wildlife Biology on March 24 before the Alaska Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Click photo for more information. Photo by Monique Musick.

UA Regents announce new president--Patrick K. Gamble

The University of Alaska Board of Regents has offered the position of system president to Patrick K. Gamble, which he has accepted.

"We believe Pat has the leadership skills, the management expertise and familiarity with the state of Alaska that will serve UA well," said Board Chair Cynthia Henry. "We are impressed by his support for the University of Alaska and his interest in addressing the issues we face. We're very pleased he's accepted our offer."

Gamble will replace current UA President Mark Hamilton, who announced his retirement last June. Hamilton has served as president of the 15-campus UA System since 1998. The board expects a smooth transition between the two to occur in June.�� MORE...

Governor Congratulates Pat Gamble on New Post

Governor Sean Parnell congratulated Pat Gamble upon being named president of the University of Alaska System by the University Board of Regents.

“Pat is an exceptional leader who has served his state and nation with distinction,” Governor Parnell said. “Under Pat’s leadership, the University will continue to be a leader in academic excellence. I look forward to working with Pat to advance the mission of the University.”

Gamble currently serves as the chief executive officer for the Alaska Railroad.

Another opportunity to Pick.Click.Give.

The Alaska Permanant Fund Division fixed the problems with the online donation programPick.Click.Give. and will allow Alaskans who filed for their PFD to go online and donate to the non-profit of their choosing during a special promotion from April 5 through May 31.

  • Make a donation to any UA Campus
  • Add to or change your donation
  • Make a positive difference in the State

Visit the PFD Website for more information: www.pfd.state.ak.us

Statewide Directory Update

What happened to the System Directory?

The Office of Public Affairs will publish the 2010 System Directory this year in June instead of January as previously announced. We apologize for any inconvenience, but a spring/early summer publication works better for OPA's workflow schedule and will allow incoming UA President Gamble to be included in the directory.

It is time to go in and update your eDir listing! Please update your information to ensure your online and printed information is accurate. Staff members will be listed in the directory only if they have a phone number and/or physical address in eDIR.

For instructions on how to update information in eDIR go to http://www.alaska.edu/oit/training/Documentation.xml (scroll down to Enterprise Directory).

If you have trouble logging into eDIR contact the OIT Support Center at 450-8300, 800-478-8226 or helpdesk@alaska.edu.

Email reminders to staff will go out with deadlines and instructions as we get closer to the publication date. Thank you for your understanding!

UA presence on Facebook

Social media is a rapidly growing means of communication and outreach. If you are on Facebook we would like you know about some of the different UA departments, campuses and groups that you can join.

University of Alaska System

UA College Savings Plan

University of Alaska Fairbanks

Tanana Valley Campus

Freddie Fish (FAFSA Frenzy)

University of Alaska Museum of the North

University of Alaska Anchorage

There are many more out there for specific colleges, student groups, bookstores and more. Please take a moment to become a "Fan" of the University of Alaska and put another great avenue of communication at your fingertips.

Tordoff Named 2010 Edith R. Bullock Prize for Excellence Winner

Dirk Tordoff, head of the Alaska Film Archives at the University of Alaska Fairbanks Rasmuson Library, has been selected as the 2010 recipient of the University of Alaska Foundation’s Edith R. Bullock Prize for Excellence.� MORE...

Board of Regents meets April 15-16 in Dillingham

The Board of Regents heads out to the Bristol Bay Campus in Dillingham on April 15 & 16. Several topics of interest are expected to be discussed, including tuition rates and the university’s policy regarding guns on campuses.� MORE...

Change to long distance service between UAF and UAA

UAF and UAA have jointly installed an extension to UAA’s Voice-over-IP (VoIP) system that permits toll by-pass long-distance calling between the UAF campus (including Statewide offices) and UAA’s campuses.� Service began on Feb. 22.

On an average year, UAF spends approximately $16,000 in long distance charges calling UAA and UAA approximately $10,000 in calling UAF/Statewide. Over the years, this will be a significant savings. This savings will be redirected to improving campus infrastructure.

Initially, service between UAF’s campus and UAA’s campuses will be limited, but will be expanded based on demand over the next six months.

UAF and Statewide callers will make calls to UAA campuses in the same manner as they do now.� The new system will automatically re-route their calls over UAA’s Voice-over-IP system.� Should all Voice-over-IP circuits be busy, the caller will hear three rapid beeps indicating that the call will not use toll bypass and will travel over regular long-distance circuits.� So, no beeps and its free.� Beeps and you pay.

In the coming months, UAF and OIT will make strategic investments in our Voice-over IP telecommunications and network infrastructure to enable UAF to take advantage of the features and functionalities that VoIP brings. These include, but are not limited to, advanced messaging, call center capacity, converged messaging, fax to inbox, emergency notification and so on.

UAF and Statewide offices in Anchorage that are on UAA’s VoIP network will need to dial 8 + the seven-digit phone number.� Should all Voice-over-IP circuits be busy, the caller will hear a rapid busy signal.� If this occurs, the caller should hang-up and wait a few minutes or re-dial the number using an area code and long distance PIN code.� This is identical to the process used to dial free between UAA campuses today.

Questions or issues involving this service should be directed to Karl Kowalski, Executive Director User Services at karl.kowalski@alaska.edu or call 450-8440.

Legislative Update

The final days of this year's legislative session are nearing and the budget process is close to complete. The Senate Finance Committee wrapped up its work on the state operating budget. A public hearing was held March 24 in a statewide teleconference.� The next step is a full Senate vote on the floor.� A conference committee with the House will follow. Click HERE for a legislative update, including some brief highlights and how UA views the budget situation.

Publications Online

Several new publications have been posted online in an interactive format. Please take a moment to view these UA publications. Hard copies can be requested from the various offices.

President's Report 2009-2010- Office of Public Affairs

UA Foundation Annual Report- University of Alaska Foundation

How IT Flows- Program Management Office, OIT


Save yourself a fall this Spring with a free pair of foot traction devices. Spikies are still available from the System Office of Risk Services in Suite 106 at the Butrovich Building. If you work in one of the other buildings contact the nearest Risk Services office for your pair. Sizes are available from small to XX Large.

SAA Highlights

Download an overview of the March Statewide Administration Assembly meeting here.

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