
Butrovich employees added to UAF Staff Listserv

In an effort to improve communication between UAF and Statewide related to routine campus issues, the sdbutro bulk email list has been added to UAF-Staff-L, the listserv for UAF staff.

Messages sent to UAF staff via this listserv, primarily about campus facilities, detours, general safety messages (non-emergency), holidays, snow removal, etc. now automatically will include Fairbanks Statewide employees (sdbutro includes K-12 Outreach folks on University Avenue and Risk Services on College Road).

* This will, on average, result in about one additional e-mail per day

* If you're on other UAF listservs, you may sometimes receive the same message more than once

* Please don't forward a message to sdbutro that you received via UAF-Staff-L; all of us will have already received it

* If you don't appreciate receiving the UAF-Staff-L messages, simply delete them

* If you accidentally delete a message from UAF-Staff-L, you can view it at https://lists.uaf.edu:8025/pipermail/uaf-staff-l/

* Occasionally, an e-mail sent to UAF-Staff-L won't apply to us; we'll identify and clarify those issues as soon as possible

*� We'll continue use of sdbutro and sdstaff bulk emails for messages targeted to Statewide staff (president's coffee, picnic, employee awards, building-specific issues from Jennifer Young, our building coordinator, etc.)

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