
Get the Point $50/$50

Only two days left

Reminder, if you haven't already logged into Get the Point to take advantage of the Joint Health Care Committee $50/$50, you have until the end of the day Thursday, April 30!

Your biometric numbers are worth $50!
Know Your Numbers : (weight, height, blood pressure, waist measurement, and total cholesterol)
Enter them in Get the Point by April 30: Get $50 in the mail

If you have already entered your biometric numbers and "claimed your prize," you do not need to worry about a thing. Your check will be issued in one payment and mailed to your university work address in June.

If you still need to enter your biometrics, read on for details:

UA staff and faculty, receive $50 for entering your biometric numbers through April 30, 2009 in the Get the Point Tracking System (GTP). Know your Numbers by attending one of the WIN for Alaska biometric events. Or, use your numbers from your IHP session or recent doctor visit. You must enter your weight, height, blood pressure, waist measurement, and total cholesterol to qualify. Your incentive is not tied to your results, only your participation. This information will be kept confidential. Only non-identifiable information and total qualified participant numbers will be shared with the university.

UA staff and faculty who also reach Tier I (180 points after two consecutive months of activity) in the GTP Incentive Campaign will get another $50! If you’re not registered in GTP, do it today! http://gtp.winforalaska.com Compliments of the UA Joint Health Care Committee.

Checks will be issued in one payment and mailed to your university work address in June.Only two days left

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