Northern Region South Ferry Subdivision
PLAT #99-9
lease Description
The University of Alaska is offering two parcels for commercial lease located approximately
one mile south of Ferry, Alaska, and about 10 miles north of Healy, Alaska.
One of the parcels, Lot 5, South Ferry Subdivision, according to Plat #99-9, Nenana
Recording District, is located east of the Alaska Railroad right-of-way with frontage
on the Nenana River. Access to Lot 5, South Ferry Subdivision is by way of the Nenana
The other parcel, the SE4SE4 of Section 33, is bisected by the Alaska Railroad right-of-way
(200’ wide – Lot 1, USS 9055). The SE4SE4 of Section 33 will be conveyed subject
to fifty foot (50’) wide public access easements (1.) along the ordinary high water
lines of the Nenana River and any unnamed streams on the parcel; and (2.) along all
of the property boundaries of the parcel. Access to that portion of the SE4SE4 of
Section 33 located to the west of Alaska Railroad right-of-way is by way of a forty
foot (40’) wide public access easement noted on Lot 1, South Ferry Subdivision, according
to Plat #99-9, Nenana Recording District. Access to the SE4SE4 of Section 33 located
to the east of the Alaska Railroad right-of-way is by way of the Nenana River.
The University does not have the authority, nor does it represent that access to these
parcels is available via the Alaska Railroad. Questions relating to crossing the
Alaska Railroad right-of-way should be directed to the Alaska Railroad Corporation.
Interested parties should thoroughly inspect these parcels prior to submitting an
offer to ensure that the parcels are suitable for the party’s intended use and to
determine all permitting requirements related to that intended use. Additional information
regarding these parcels may be available from local, state and federal offices, including
but not limited to: the city or borough assessor’s office, building permitting office
and land planning office; local utility companies; district recorder’s office; the
State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation,
Department of Fish and Game and Department of Transportation and Public Facilities;
and the U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management, Geological Survey
and Environmental Protection Agency, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
The standard documents that will be used in this offering are available for review
below. A copy of the South Ferry Subdivision, Plat #99-9 is available at the District
Recorder’s office in Nenana (Phone: 907.452.3521). or online (using “Search Menu”, then “Plat Search”).
NE.FR.0008 | Section 33: SE4SE4 |
33.940 | |||
NE.SF.0005 | South Ferry | 5 | 15.701 |
Commercial Lease
The University of Alaska is requesting applications from qualified individuals or firms interested in leasing and developing commercial projects on the parcel(s) listed above. Applications will be evaluated as they are received. The terms and conditions of this offering are available below.