Read the latest updates on the university budget, Board of Regents, and other major UA System news

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  • Alaska Legislature honors UAA WWAMI professors

    November 13, 2019

    The 31st Alaska Legislature recently honored University of Alaska Anchorage professors Max Kullberg, Ph.D. and Holly Martinson, Ph.D. for their ground-breaking medical research and for teaching the next generation of medical students and undergraduate students in Alaska.

  • Regents approve FY21 operating and capital budget requests, delayed a decision on increasing tuition for academic year 2021

    November 12, 2019

    The University of Alaska Board of Regents concluded a two-day meeting, including a work session focused on clarifying roles and responsibilities across the UA system. The board adopted a $277 million state operating budget request but delayed a vote on increasing student tuition for academic year 2021 pending further engagement with student leaders.

  • University of Alaska renames University House to honor Grace Schaible

    November 08, 2019

    The University House has been renamed the Schaible House to celebrate the legacy of one of UA's most outstanding alumni, Grace Berg Schaible. Through her quiet philanthropy and dedication to improving the quality of life for Alaskans, Grace Schaible created a legacy that inspires a culture of giving in Alaska. As one of Alaska's most influential philanthropists, Grace gave both her time and resources to non-profits across the state, including serving on UA Foundation Board of Directors (1986-2017 Emeritus) and the UA Board of Regents (1985-1987).

  • Accrediting Agency Responds to University Board of Regents, President, Chancellors

    November 02, 2019

    In a letter dated Nov. 1, the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU), told University of Alaska leaders that they are on the right path toward clarifying leadership roles and responsibilities and creating opportunities for increased participation in university decision making.

  • Opportunity for Board of Regents public testimony on Nov. 8

    November 01, 2019

    Alaskans will have an opportunity later this month month to comment directly to the Board of Regents on issues facing the University of Alaska. In-person public testimony will be held on the second day of the Board of Regents full board meeting from 8-9 a.m. on Friday, Nov. 8. The meeting will be held in Room 109 of the Butrovich Building on the University of Alaska Fairbanks campus. The Board of Regents full board meeting will be Nov. 7-8 in Fairbanks.

  • UA Scholars celebrate the class of 2020 at five events across Alaska

    November 01, 2019

    Each fall, the University of Alaska holds receptions across the state to honor the incoming class of UA Scholars. The Class of 2020 from the Fairbanks North Star Borough were celebrated on Oct. 29 at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

  • Board of Regents to review and approve a $277 million FY21 state appropriation operating budget for the university

    November 01, 2019

    The University of Alaska Board of Regents will hold its regularly scheduled meeting Nov. 7-8 in Fairbanks. The board will spend the first day of its two-day meeting in a facilitated workshop with the chancellors, president, governance leaders and several experts on university systems and accreditation. The intent of the workshop is to establish common ground on university structural issues including leadership roles and responsibilities.

  • UA employees receive individualized market adjustment information

    November 01, 2019

    On Oct. 30, all employees whose salary is being adjusted as a part of the UA market compensation project received an email with individualized information on the salary increase which will be effective Oct. 28 and reflected in the Nov. 22 paycheck.

  • UAF receives $16 million to boost biomedical training

    October 31, 2019

    The University of Alaska Fairbanks has received a five-year, $16 million grant to increase the diversity and research capacity of undergraduate students in its biomedical programs. The grant will expand UAF's Biomedical Learning and Student Training program, which engages students from diverse backgrounds, especially those from rural Alaska, in biomedical research.

  • Fall back: daylight saving time ends Nov. 3

    October 31, 2019

    This weekend, clocks will turn back time by one hour. Daylight saving time ends at 2 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 3, 2019. Monday will start on time whether you do or not, so be sure to change your alarm clock when you go to bed on Saturday! Most electronics like cell phones and computers will adjust to daylight saving time as long as the automatic network time and time zone settings are on and your device is connected to a network or Internet.